Wednesday, March 3, 2021

No "Bait and Switch" Assignments; LTOs and PD Days; Resources for ETFO OTs; PD event

No "Bait and Switch" Assignments

The TVOT Collective Agreement provides that an Occasional Teacher who accepts and reports for an assignment, is placed in that assignment, unless: 1) the OT agrees to be redeployed, or 2) there is a vacant classroom and the job the OT had accepted, was a non-classrooom assignment. (Article L16.07). In all other cases, TVOT members have a right to the assignment that they accepted in good faith - a right the Local has affirmed through the grievance process. Schools cannot arbitrarily switch assignments outside of these negotiated terms.

Please know that Administrators are not experts on our TVOT Collective Agreement, so you may need to remind them of this right. If you experience difficulties, do not hesitate to contact your OT Local at or by phone at 519-641-3936. 


LTOs and PD Days

The TVOT Collective Agreement states that LTOs will be paid for scheduled PA Days and will participate according to their FTE.  This includes March 5th and the final day of June, both of  which are scheduled PA Days. For more information, contact the Local office at 519-641-3936 or


Resources for ETFO Occasional Teachers  

Did you know that ETFO Provincial has a dedicated website of resources for elementary OTs?

Look here for resources by subject and information on some of the nuances of occasional teaching. Click ETFO OT Site to find out more


Professional Learning for Ontario Teachers

The Ontario   Ministry  of Education provides ministry-funded webinars and resources for Ontario educators online. Categories include the Elementary Math Curriculum; Virtual Teaching and Learning; Digital Tools and Strategies; Synchronous Learning; Mental Health and Well-being. You can also access recordings of previous webinars and self-guided learning modules by clicking here Webinars for Ontario Teachers Teachers are encouraged to subscribe on this site so as to receive email alerts when new webinars are posted.


Professional Development Opportunity (unpaid event)

ETFO Provincial has developed "The Women's Equity Project Workshop" to provide Teachers in J/I classrooms with tools and activities related to gender and gender identities. The workshop will be held March 31/21 via Zoom from 4:30pm - 7:00 pm and enrollment is limited. Participants will receive resources on a USB stick so ensure that your mailing address is accurate in the Employee Portal, including apartment numbers and Postal Codes. To register email us at and include your full mailing address.

N.B. It is recommended you consider the needs of the classroom, your relationship with the students and the ties to the curriculum before addressing potentially sensitive topics.


March 8, 2021 is International Women's Day - a global celebration of the achievements of women and girls, and recognition of the work that still remains.

For more information visit International Women's Day