Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Columbia Store Invitation; Earn over the Holidays; TVOT Office holiday closure

Earn over the Holidays

Once the festivities have passed, you may find yourself with time to "Earn while you Learn" by participating in TVDSB's paid online PD opportunities, available in the Employee Portal, under Conference/Session Registration. Once there, select "Elementary Occasional Teacher PD 2022-2023" and learn at your leisure. Payment for these half-day sessions, is triggered on completion when Staff Development receives your Reflection Form.

If you need to verify what you did in 2021/2022 or before, you can view past professional development sessions by logging into the Employee Portal,  and under Personal Information, selecting “View My Professional Development”.  This option opens a full list of past portal registrations/PD session completions -

To see what you have registered for this school year, log into in the Employee Portal, under Conference/Session Registration, and then - 

NOTE:  Registrations stay in view there until the main conference closes.  For example, the entire OTE PD conference closes at 4pm on June 30th.  When the conference registration closes, items will move to View my PD as listed above.

Reflection forms are located on the System Staff Development website (OT Elementary PD in Sharepoint) or on the top of the OT PD registration page in the portal - 


Opportunity for TVOT MEMBERS -

For Friends and Family of TVOT Members -

Your TVOT Office will be closed during the TVDSB Winter Break and will re-open when school resumes January 9, 2023.
Happy Holidays everyone!

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Lost prep periods; ETFO AQ courses; Your Mental Health; ETFO opportunities


The Occasional Teacher shortage in TVDSB is expected to persist for the remainder of this school year. As a result, both daily and Long-Term Occasional Teachers will find themselves losing scheduled prep periods. This is a violation of our Collective Agreement, and so your TVOT Local urges members to keep track of the dates and how many minutes are lost each occurrence as we work to ensure that this matter is resolved. 

DEADLINE: January 10, 2023.

TVOT members looking to advance their credentials, may wish to register for a Winter AQ courses being offered by fellow ETFO educators and based on sound pedagogical principles. Winter term begins January 16/23 and concludes March 31/23.  As well, members may apply in advance for up to $400 from the TVOT Local's Professional Learning Development Fund (PLDF). Check out for further information.


Holidays can be difficult for many of us. To access the support available on a confidential basis to all TVDSB staff, log into the Employee Portal and click on "View My Employee Assistance Program". As well, ETFO Provincial provides to members and their familes (16 years of age and older) access to self-guided digital support for members. This is available at where you will enter ETFOMEMBER. 



Resisting rust: How to protect your vehicle from rust damage

While road salt helps drivers get safely from one place to the next by keeping streets clear of ice and snow, repeated exposure can leave your vehicle vulnerable to rust. If not correctly taken care of, rust can cause significant damage to your vehicle and pose serious safety risks. Here are 5 things you can do to protect your vehicle from rust damage this winter.


Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Deadline Dec. 30/22; What's the Difference: Emergency Supplies, Uncertified OTs and Interim Certificates? Fifth Disease


What's the Difference?

Our TVOT members should have as much work as they wish since each day there are unfilled Teacher absences due to the OT shortage. (If you are not receiving calls, then log into TVARRIS and ensure you have completed your school selection and that your availability and contact information there is accurate.)

To address this shortage, for the first time in the history of the Board, TVDSB has hired hundreds of non-teachers to cover classroom assignments. The Education Act allows them to do so: "Where no teacher is available, a board may appoint, subject to section 22, a person who is not a teacher or a temporary teacher."

In TVDSB, this means an absent Teacher may be replaced in the following order by a:

1. OTE/OTS - an Occasional Teacher certified by OCT or Occasional Teacher with an OCT interim certificate (these are TVOT members with the rights and protections of our Collective Agreement);

2. UOTE - someone currently registered in a Faculty of Education; UOTEs can only be used when no OTE is available (they are not members and their salary reflects this); 

3. Emergency Supplies - someone with a university degree but no teaching education; only to be used when no OTE is available (they are not members and are paid the least).

As certified Teachers, our TVOT members must always have the first opportunity to teach in Thames Valley classrooms. If this does not happen then please contact your TVOT Local at or 519-641-3936.

TVOT members are fully certified - 

We are indeed, real Teachers!


Merrymount Family Support and Crisis Centre wishes to pass along their sincere gratitude for the generous support of those who attended our Fall General Meeting on November 30th at the Elm Hurst Inn in Ingersoll: "Your gifts and donations help ensure Merrymount's critical supports reach children and their families when they have nowhere else to turn. We are so grateful to have supporters like you in our community...Your contributions will truly make a difference..."

Here is just a sampling of the generosity of those who attended - 


DEADLINE: December 30, 2022

Under the terms of our Collective Agreement, members can take up to two (2) years leave of absence from the elementary panel by logging into the Employee Portal and clicking on Laserfiche - Electronic Forms (in the blue border on the left hand side). There you can access the HR Leave Request Form for a "A leave of absence for one (1) year" as provided by Article L10.16. The form will ask for the name of your supervisor. This is Clare MacMillan (even for LTOs) and the email is 

The deadline to request a leave of absence for the 2022 - 2023 school year is December 30/22. N.B. TVOT members who are not on a Board approved leave, are required to teach 10 days in elementary in order to remain on the OT List.


FIFTH DISEASE, also known as erythema infectiosum (EI) or “slapped cheek syndrome,” is a very common viral respiratory infection that is contagious even before the rash appears. Fifth Disease occurs in child care settings, schools, and in the general community. It can lead to health problems for pregnant employees and for persons with chronic blood disorders or depressed immune systems. These employees should consult with their health care provider about the risks of Fifth Disease.

Schools with outbreaks are to post a notice to this effect at all entrances. TVARRIS calls will also note the outbreak at a site.

High risk TVOT members are urged to check for immunity to Fifth Disease before becoming pregnant as LTOs will need to use sick leave days as they await such test results. 

For more information, check TVDSB's Policy and Procedure document regarding Fifth Disease, available onlie at


Shop Safely Online This Holiday Season

Online shopping has become a big part of many Canadians' lives.  As an online shopper, you get to avoid checkout lines, scout for the best prices and shop whenever you want – all from the comfort of your home. Here are nine online shopping safety tips to help prevent scams and protect yourself and your family this holiday season.



Continue to Keep Track!

Your TVOT Collective Agreement provides that a daily OT assumes the schedule of the absent Teacher they are replacing, including scheduled prep periods and supervisory duties. Your TVOT Local is again advocating that members who lose prep periods, be compensated for this violation of the Agreement. We urge members to note each occurence and how many minutes were lost and we will advise members if we reach an agreement.

Only Twelve More Teaching Days Until Winter Break!