Wednesday, September 30, 2015

It's in the mail but you may not get it

Mailings -
You may not remember, but in Article 6.09 of your Collective Agreement, there is the requirement that OTs keep the Board up to date regarding your address and phone number. Failure to do so can result in termination. Information can be changed in the TVDSB Employee Portal.
Not only is it important for the Board to be able to contact their employees, but it is imperative that the Local be able to reach you and our information comes from the Board's records.
If the Local does not have your accurate mailing address, this week you will not receive:
  • your annual (and always much anticipated) OT Pocket calendar with pertinent school contact info and notable dates
  • our first newsletter of this school year with articles on liability should you volunteer in a schools, the Book Rebate and Professional Learning Development Fund, discounts offered by the Edvantage program and upcoming free PD opportunities
  • ETFO Bargaining Bulletin #31
  • information about the drop in meeting the Local is holding on October 5 at the BMO Centre on Rectory Street in London from 3 - 6 pm
  • a members only invitation to the Columbia sportswear outlet
Emails -
Those of you who are registered on our Local website have ready access to important information such as:
  • the full Work to Rule protocols for our CUPE colleagues - the EAs, School Secretaries, custodians, ECEs.  Please respect their sanctions as they have respected our restrictions.  We acknowledge that this may be stressful but this is not business as usual and by standing together, not only are we stronger, but we can be effective in bringing about real bargaining
  • an archived list of the ETFO Bargaining Bulletins - we are up to thirty-one mailings
  • emails alerting members to emergent issues 
  • details regarding professional learning opportunities 
Provincial Information -
Finally, please ensure that you have updated your contact information with provincial ETFO so that you will not miss out on telephone Town Halls (where members heard that ETFO had filed an unfair labour practice complaint against the government and OPSBA)  or electronic votes.  Go to > Being a Member (left hand side) > then Update Member Information under Quick Links on the Left.

Paid PD Day Update -
Many members have called the office to ask if there would be any paid PD opportunities on October 2nd.  The Union and the Board work on these jointly and at this time, though much is in the works, nothing has been finalized. We will let members know when these become available so again, please ensure we have accurate Contact Information!

And now for some levity -

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Premier Kathleen Wynne has told the media that ETFO was offered the same deal as OSSTF and as OECTA. This is not true and contrary to some reports, salary has not been discussed by the parties. TVOT members need to assist in pressuring  OPSBA and the government so ETFO can address needs that are specific to elementary Teachers and Occasional Teachers.  Items such as FDK and Junior/Intermediate class sizes, ministry initiatives, report card issues and fair hiring practices. 
Work to Rule Phase 3 is an effort to get the parties back to the central table. 
Remember, ETFO is in a legal strike position - this is not business as usual. 

Want to stay in the loop?  Use this checklist:

ETFO CB Communications Checklist
I receive Provincial ETFO bargaining bulletins
Contact OT Local Office
I get ETFO CB newsletters by email
Email Provincial ETFO at Provide your first name, last name, ETFO ID# and update your contact info
I get Provincial ETFO invitations to telephone town halls
Email Provincial ETFO at Provide your first name, last name, ETFO ID# and update your contact info
I get ETFO bargaining letters and ETFO Voice at home
Email Provincial ETFO at Provide your first name, last name, ETFO ID# and update your contact info
I get texts from Provincial ETFO
Go to and click on purple “Mobile Alerts” to subscribe
I follow Provincial ETFO on Twitter
Follow @ETFO news; @ETFOpresident; @ETFOcb
I belong to Provincial ETFO’s bargaining Facebook group
Sign up for the Facebook group at: https//

Friday, September 18, 2015

Fluid Times

Bargaining Update
You may be aware that currently ETFO has not been provided with further dates for central bargaining. OPSBA and the government have walked away from the table without offering even the same deals as they offered OECTA and OSSTF.  That is not to say that our members needs are comparable, but members need to be aware of this.
Bulletin #29 and Phase 3
As a result, members will receive Bargaining Bulletin #29 this week in the mail (it is available on the Members Only section of our website with news of Phase 3 which will begin on Monday. TVOT members who are registered on the site, will have received a blast email with further details.
Solidarity Wynne Wednesdays
The permanent Teachers' Local and CUPE 4222 and CUPE 7575 will be standing together for fair bargaining by dressing in orange and black for ETFO on Wednesday, September 23rd and in pink for CUPE on the following Wednesday, September 30th. We call this Solidarity Wynne Wednesdays.
Queens Park Rally
We also ask members to join us on Saturday, September 26th for a bus trip to rally at Queen's Park. The bus leaves the ETFO Thames Valley Teachers' Local on Bateman Trail at 8 AM and registration details are available at  Call our office or email us for further details. We need to continue to put pressure to ensure that we get back to the table for fair negotiations.
Pocket Calendars
On a lighter note, the pocket calendars are at the printers and will be distributed shortly.  Since the Local does not receive membership information until mid-month, we always include September in last year's edition to carry members over until the new version arrives.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Welcome back to the Wednesday Blog

Hopefully everyone enjoyed a relaxing and rewarding summer because we are off to an eventful September.
Bargaining -
ETFO Provincial's Work to Rule Phase 2 is now in effect and builds on those areas of struck work were initiated under Phase 1. We remind members that these provisions can be found at and are designed to put pressure on those at the central table to resolve this impasse and negotiate a fair settlement. Please be certain to register there as well as on our Local's website so that we can communicate the latest news to you in a timely manner.
Our colleagues in CUPE are also in a work to rule situation. Please do all that you can to support them and ensure that at no time, do you take on their struck work and contact the office if you are asked to do so.
Local bargaining is underway with several productive meetings having already taken place and more scheduled into the fall. We will keep members apprised and again urge you to register on the local email system through
Pilot LTO Process -
Hopefully everyone has had time to digest the new central staffing model of hiring to LTO positions that the Board piloted for September 2015 long-term assignments.  This is a process used in other progressive school boards and a practice that we had proposed in bargaining.  Ultimately it ensures that members who have been successful in their application to the LTO List will have access to permanent and LTO employment without having to go through yet another interview while adhering to the principle of seniority of Regulation 274. The process has proven to be popular with both OTs and Administrators in the other Boards where it is practiced.
Pocket Calendars and Newsletters -
Just a reminder that we will get pocket calendars and a newsletter out to all members who have accurate mailing information on file with TVDSB, hopefully by the end of the month. You will find that we include September in last year's edition to carry you over until the new one arrives.
Local Events -
We look forward to meeting many of you at our locally sponsored events this year.  Remember that meals are always included and these events are one of the benefits afforded to you by your dues. They are a great chance to meet other OTs and talk about your experiences so that you do not feel so isolated on the job.
We will be hosting large enrollment professional development workshops on:
  • Thursday, October 27th at the Lamplighter Inn on Wellington Road in London
  • Thursday, January 21st at the BMO Centre in London on Rectory Street in London
  • Wednesday, February 24th at the Stoneridge Inn on Burtwistle Lane by Lambeth
  • Assorted smaller workshops throughout the year with details to be announced
The Local Fall General Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 11th with the Spring General Meeting to be held on Thursday, May 19th.

We look forward to serving your needs so please call or email us with any questions.
Stay tuned as negotiations progress and keep informed.
Best wishes to you from your Local Executive for a wonderfully successful school year.