Wednesday, June 28, 2023

TVDSB Deadlines; Prep Payback Claims; Contact Info; Leaves of Absence; TVOT Summer Office Closure

- Your mandatory TVDSB Offence Declaration is due June 30/23
- Mandatory online training is due June 30/23 (no WHMIS or I.T. component this year) 
- Last chance to submit online PD sessions for payment is end of school day June 30/23
- Final chance to claim for lost prep time is Thurs., June 29/23 -4 PM

N.B. - TVDSB has started to process the OTE required training for 2022/2023 so TVOT members who have completed theirs may see a TVARRIS job number for June 30/23 with the comments, "OT PD Required Training". Do not delete this job code. Any questions can be directed to Amber Mattox in Staff Development at

DEADLINE: Lost Prep Time Payback Claims 

As agreed to by the Board, TVOT daily Occasional Teachers and LTOs who lost their prep periods have until Thursday, June 29th at 4 PM to submit their claims for a cash payback. To access the claim form, go to To submit a claim or check the Occasional Teacher section of TVDSB's Outlook. For assistance, contact in H.R. 

N.B. - Daily OTs who accepted full day prep payback assignments but did not receive 40 minutes of prep time at the beginning as provided by Article L18.03, are eligible to claim this lost prep time. 

L 18.03 (c)     If the assignment is for the Occasional Teacher to provide preparation time payback in full day assignment, then that Occasional Teacher shall be provided with a minimum of forty (40) minutes preparation time at the beginning of the assignment. 

TVOT Members are reminded that it is a condition of employment to keep TVDSB apprised of any changes to your address or contact information. Update your information in the Employee Portal where it says: View / Change My Personal Information.
  Unavailable to Teach Next Year?  Apply for a Leave of Absence!
If you are not available to teach for TVDSB next year, you can keep your place on the OT elementary list by applying for a leave of absence. Full-year leaves under Article L10.16  must be received no later than December 30th of the school year in which the leave is to begin. e.g. Dec. 30/23 for a leave for the 2023 - 2024 school year. This helps those members who may accept a LTO with another Board in the fall.
To apply, log into the Employee Portal and in the blue border along the left hand side, click on Laserfiche - Electronic Forms. There you will find forms for various negotiated leaves, ranging from part-year to full-year in length.  The form will ask for your supervisor. Currently this is Clare MacMillan whose email is

Please note: your Local TVOT Office will be closed after June 30th and will re-open when school resumes in September. We do however check our emails on a weekly basis.

Should an emergency occur where members require assistance from ETFO Provincial, you can contact them at 1-888-838-3836.


Stay In Touch with ETFO Central Bargaining this Summer!  ETFO has central bargaining dates in July and August. Updates will be sent through ETFO's CB eNewsletter so make sure you register to receive these by emailing . Check for details on the process.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Thanks for Your Support! Posting Process; Columbia Outlet Invitation; Retirees and Mandatory Training Payment

Last evening at London's BMO Centre, TVOT members voted 100% to approve their Local preliminary bargaining submission.  

While Central bargaining will occur during the summer months (check and subscribe to the ETFO Provincial newsletter for updates), Local bargaining with TVDSB will not begin until September. Be sure to set up your account at and watch your Wednesday Blogs in September, to keep informed.


Missed your Prep Period this year?
TVDSB has agreed to pay OTs/LTOs who missed their prep periods this school year and who have not yet had that time re-paid. 
To submit a claim go to

The deadline to apply is June 29th at 4 PM. 

For more information contact the Local at or Clare Macmillan in HR at

 - For purposes of Employment Insurance, the Board reports a full teaching day as 8 hours;

- All 15 Mandatory Online Training Modules must be completed by end of school day on June 30th and payment will be ascribed to June 30/23 AM;
- Retired Teachers who have no days left, can contact Staff Development to see about assigning a half-day in the month in which they exceeded their limit, for mandatory training payment;
- QECO ratings and proof of previous teaching experience must be submitted to HR by July 31st for 2022-2023 LTO grid placement;
- TVOT members must teach 10 days in an elementary site to remain on the OTE list;
- Review your paystubs as TVOT members only have 12 months to submit a claim for any errors;
- There is no WHMIS review this year, but the Offence Declaration is still mandatory;
- TVOT members who are about to go on pregancy leave or who are on such a leave, can still apply for positions for which they are qualified;
- There is still time to participate in paid PD so check the Employee Portal for online sessions that can be done at your convenience and that count for all puposes as teaching time;
- TVOT members can apply for a full year leave of absence in the Laserfiche section of the TVDSB Employee Portal - Clare Macmillan will be the supervisor for this purpose.


POSTING INFORMATION FROM TVDSB: Round 4 contract vacancies will be posted within the Job Applications in the Employee Portal area for the period of June 23 – 27, 2023. The summary of vacancies that are posted in Job Applications will also be posted in SharePoint Job Postings so that applicants may review the assignment details. Elementary Occasional Teachers from the roster are eligible to apply to OTE to Permanent Contract assignments through the Job Applications area of the portal. For this process, Occasional Teachers are not limited to the number of interviews they are able to accept. Interviews may take place commencing on June 28, 2023.

Please note: Option 1 of Summer LTO postings will be posted for the period July 11-13. Option 1 is the LTO posting for Principal Interviews.


 Click to find out more: National Indigenous Peoples' Day

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Columbia Store Invitation; Important meeting; TVDSB Deadlines; Prep Payback Form

Bargaining Affects Every TVOT Member so Register to Attend!

There is no WHMIS review this school year and so the requirements to remain on the OTE List for TVDSB are:
  • Maintain your OCT registration
  • Complete the annual Offence Declaration
  • Complete the 15 mandatory online training modules (counts as .5 of a day of teaching for those not in LTOs greater than .5 FTE)
  • Notify TVDSB of any changes to your contact information
  • Teach at least 10 days in an elementary site (each online paid PD session counts as .5 of a day of teaching for those not in LTOs greater than .5 FTE; these must be completed by the end of the school day on June 30th but they can be done on evenings and weekends

Missed your Prep Period this year?
TVDSB has agreed to pay OTs/LTOs who missed their prep periods this school year and who have not yet had that time re-paid. 
To submit a claim go to

The deadline to apply is June 29th at 4 PM. 
For more information contact the Local at or Clare Macmillan in HR at

Little-known facts about seasonal property insurance

There’s nothing like a relaxing getaway at the cottage by the lake or the cabin in the woods. More than just bricks and mortar, your seasonal property is the keeper of cherished memories. Read on to learn some little-known facts about seasonal property insurance coverage.


Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Claim For Lost Prep Periods! Important BMO Center Meeting; Staying on the OTE List; June 30th PA Day;


Prep Payback Issue is Resolved!

TVDSB has agreed to financially compensate TVOT Occasional Teachers for any missed prep periods that occurred this school year, and which have not been paid back. 

To access the claim form, check the Occasional Teacher section of TVDSB's Outlook. For further information contact

The deadline to file a claim, is Thursday, June 29th at 4 PM.


Your TVOT Collective Bargaining team is about to begin negotiating our next Collective Agreement.
It is important that we get your feedback on the issues we propose bringing to the Local bargaining table.
Please join us Tuesday, June 20th - 4:30pm at the BMO Centre, 295 Rectory Street in London for sandwiches, salad, soft drinks and a brief presentation of our Preliminary Submission. 
To register, call us at 519-641-3936 or email us at
Those who attend will have a say so we look forward to seeing you there!


To remain on the TVDSB Elementary Occasional Teacher List,TVOT members just have until June 30th to:
- teach 10 days in an elementary site 
- complete the 15 mandatory online training modules listed in the TVDSB Employee Portal under "Employee Training"
- complete the Annual Offence Declaration
- N.B. (participation in online paid PD sessions counts as a half-day of teaching, listed in the TVDSB Employee Portal under "Conference/Sessions Registration") 


- Check your paystub on a regular basis as TVOT members only have 12 months to claim for any errors or underpayments
- If you are in a 1.0 LTO and the Teacher you are replacing will not be attending school on June 30th, it is expected that you will go to school that PA day and you will be paid (Itinerant LTOs do not qualify for pay that day)
- Ensure that HR has a copy of your QECO rating and proof of any previous teaching experience outside of TVDSB if you are in a LTO; TVOT members only have until July 31st to have these factors considered for salary purposes


June is Stroke Awareness Month in Canada


7 road trips in Ontario you have to take before summer ends - 

In Canada, we cherish the long-awaited summertime. Ontario has many experiences to offer, and with just a few short months of warm weather, road trips are essential. That's why we've compiled a list of the best road trips in Ontario to soak up the sights.



June is National Indigenous History Month -  
a time to celebrate the rich history and resilience of First Nations, Inuit and Metis people.

Stay Informed During the Summer Months!

There may be bargaining developments that occur in July and August. ETFO will communicate those developments to members by email and in the ETFO Collective Bargaining Facebook Group. Members are strongly encouraged to check their email accounts on a regular basis throughout the summer.

You can refer to this chart to ensure you are connected to as many ETFO communication methods as possible.

To update your contact information with ETFO, please contact