Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Interest in a LTO Canvass; NEW Covid Screening Confirmation; ETFO Writing Teams; Tax Time and Home Office Expenses etc.; Have Your Say

Interest in a LTO - 
Canvass opens February
Under Regulation 274, Occasional Teachers had an annual opportunity to apply to be interviewed for placement on the LTO List.
With the revocation of Reg. 274, an interview is no longer necessary. The canvass process will remain so be sure to respond during the month of February to indicate if you are interested in a long-term position.

New Self-Assessment Requirement 

You may not be aware that starting Monday, January 25th, all TVDSB staff must complete their self-screening on a form which will be posted in the Employee Portal, and this form must be completed  before arriving at the worksite.  The form is called "Covid Screening Confirmation" and it is found under "My TVDSB Applications" in the Blue Border on the far left of the Portal homepage. (Do not confuse this new form with the older "Covid-19 Reopening Attestation.")


Qualified to join ETFO's Writing Team?

Provincial ETFO is seeking qualified members who are experienced in writing and creating engaging activities that are specific and culturally relevant to Indigenous People, to join one of their writing teams to develop 2 resources: 

  1. "We Are The Haudenosaunee": an introductory resource that provides an overview and awareness of Haudenosaunee worldviews, practices and contributions. The first virtual meeting of this team will be February 26th.
  2. "One Heart - 2Spirit": an introductory resource that provides an overview and awareness of 2Spirit people. The first virtual meeting of this team will be March 1st.
For more information, contact Sabrina Sawyer from ETFO Provincial at 
The deadline to apply is February 8, 2021 at 5 PM.

New: Home Office Expense Deduction
You may be interested to know that the Canada Revenue Agency / CRA has simplified the process for claiming home office expenses for those who have been forced to work from home because of the pandemic.
This process is for the 2020 tax year only, and to be eligible, you must have needed to work from home more than 50% of the time over a period of four (4) consecutive weeks last year.
Click Home Office Tax Credit 2020 for more information.

Those in LTOs in 2020, may also be eligible for the School Supply Tax Credit. This credit is for non-reimbursable expenses science materials, art supplies, puzzles, books, storage containers, educational software. (Computers, tablets, phones, tables etc. are not considered eligible expenses.

The Local nor the Board provides tax advice - we offer this for information purposes only.

NOTE: T4 slips will be made available to employees in the TVDSB Employee Portal, at the end of February.  

TVDSB wants to hear from You!  
Now is your opportunity to anonymously submit your comments to TVDSB
on how the system can support staff during these difficult times.
Go to the Board's  Virtual Comment Box to express your opinions.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Financial Help during Covid; ETFO Conferences; ETFO Membership Cards

Financial Help During Covid?

If you are suffering financially because of the Covid restrictions, and trying to sort out if you are eligible for Federal financial support, the government has developed a checklist to assist you. Click the Checklist for Benefits to see if you qualify.


ETFO Provincial Conferences 

French as a Second Language/FSL Conference: Participate with colleagues from across the province on February 22nd, to deepen your understanding of the integration of technology applications as learning tools in your classroom. Deadline to apply is Friday, January 22, 2021. For more information, click FSL Conference .

Financial Health and Wellness for Women: On February 17th, members will be able to engage in workshops on topics such as dealing with debt, your Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan/OTPP and planning for a financially secure future. The deadline to apply is January 29th and more details are available at Financial Health and Wellness for Women

Allyship: Shifting Paradigms - a Women's Programme: This workshop on March 11th will explore concepts such as identity and positionality, privilege and marganilization, intersectional identities and allyship. Registration closes at noon on January 25th and more information is available at Allyship .

Annual Leaderhip Symposium for FNMI Women Members - The Importance of Agreements: Treaties and Collective Bargaining: Registration closes for this opportunity for 34 female FNMI members to participate in these sessions focussing on agreements. The symposium will be held on March 3 - 4 so go to FNMI Leadership Symposium for Women for more information.

Information on workshops such as these, as well as info on your ETFO Employee Life and Health Trust/ELHT benefits, registration for the ETFO e-newsletter (for up to date Covid FAQs) and much more can be found by exploring the Provincial ETFO Home page at


ETFO ID Card validation sticker 
Just a reminder to members not to throw out the latest issue of ETFO's Voice magazine before taking out this year's validation sticker. As well as identifying you as an ETFO member, this card entitles members to discounts from CAA, Dulux Paints, Goodlife Fitness, rental cars, Hakim Optical, SoftMoc, Roots, the Brick and countless other providers. 
To get your card or to replace a lost card, phone ETFO Member Records at 1-888-838-3936 during regular business hours and to check out all of the Edvantage discounts go to .

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Jan. 22nd Opportunities; Strike Pay Deadline; Emergency Child Care;

Paid PD That Counts as Time Worked - New Sessions for Jan. 22/21

Registration is still open in the Employee Portal for TVOT members to earn a half day of pay (that counts as time worked for all purposes) while they participate in Professional Development offered by TVDSB on the January 22nd PA Day. 

Sessions that day will be held via Zoom and topics include:

  • A Practical Guide to Number Talks and Counting Circles
  • Guiding Students to a Deeper Understanding
  • So You've Accepted a Job in a Digital Classroom/Brightspace, Google Classroom
  • Kindergarten (several sessions, each with a different focus
  • Building Comprehension (sessions offered for Primary and another for Junior/Int.)
  • Help! I'm Teaching Primary Math without a Daybook
  • Practical French Teaching Tools and Tricks
  • Tools to Support Arts
  • FULL DAY SESSION: From Fact Fluency to Operating with Fractions and Decimals
PLUS, an after school Zoom session is being offered by ETFO Provincial on Thurs., January 28th titled, "Mental Health and Wellness" with registration again, via the Employee Portal. This too will count for .5 of a day's salary.  (N.B. Information provided will be for educational purposes and cannot be considered a substitute for medical assistance/support. All Occasional Teachers now have access to the TVDSB Employee Assistance Program. Details are provided in the Employee Portal so do not hesitate to take advantage of these supports.)

Go to Conference/Session Registrations in the Employee Portal where you can find out more details about each online workshop just by clicking on "Register" beside "Elementary Occasional Teacher PD 2020-2021".  
Elementary Occasional Teachers are eligible for 3 half-days of paid PD, and they must reserve a half-day for the mandatory online training modules that will be posted in April. This is in recognition that OTs cannot teach on PD Days and for that reason, LTOs greater than .5 FTE assignments are not eligible participate.

Any Strike Pay Issues?
ETFO Provincial has set a deadline of March 21st for members who were involved in picketing last school year, to submit any outstanding strike pay issues. 
Please contact the Local at with the subject line - Strike Pay so that we can handle your concerns most efficiently.

A reminder to those who may have missed it, that TVDSB has sent out a list of emergency child care sites for LTOs who may need such assistance. For details, check your Outlook inbox.

New ETFOTVOT Website and Email to take action

By now, most of you would have received the email asking you to sign into and activate your account on the New ETFO TVOT website.  We remind you, this email was directed to those of you who already had accounts on the previous website. If you did not receive the "action required" email, please check your spam or junk folders.   

You would have been provided a system generated password to paste and copy in the Log In area for access to the Member's Portal.

We recommend changing this password. 
To do so, please follow these steps:

2. Click on the Member Portal menu option.
3. Log into your account using the information you were emailed.
4. Once you are logged in or if you are already logged in, click on the Edit Profile Button on the page.
5. Once you have clicked the Edit Profile Button, you will be brought to a screen where you can adjust and edit your account information with specifications.
6. Once information has been adjusted, click the Submit Button at the bottom of the information form.

If you never had an account OR if you had not received the email- you will need to create a new account.

1. Please go to .
2. Click on the Member Portal menu option.
3. At the bottom, click on Join Us.  Please use a personal email address as it is inappropriate to use the Board's email system for Union business nor is it private.
4. Your account will be pending for review and activation.  Once activated, you will receive a notification email at which point you will have access to he Members Portal. 

As always, should you require any information or have any questions, don't hesitate to contact our office at or 519-641-3936.



Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Goggles and Face Shields; January pay for OTs and OCT Fees; New Webinars from Min of Ed and OTF; New Income Tax Credit

Masks plus Face Shields/Goggles

The Ministry of Labour as well as the Health Units that oversee TVDSB, highly recommend that all TVDSB staff wear goggles or a face shield along with their mandatory mask, regardless of their roles in the school. This has proven to be most effective and schools have been provided with PPE for OTs. 

Eye Protection (face shields/goggles) is required  whenever  you are in class with student(s) who are not wearing masks or you are interacting in close proximity to another individual/student. They are necessary if you are in a situation with a potential for body fluid splash, if you are interacting with multiple classes or if you are monitoring the isolation room. 

For more information, go to TVDSB Covid-19 Protocol #7, Section 5.3.5 in the TVDSB Covid H&S Sharepoint (available to employees after logging in).

Hand Sanitizer - revised directions 

TVDSB is now advising students and staff to use the hand sanitizer provided at all sites rather than sinks in classrooms. When hands are visibly soiled, then we are to use soap and water at a sink. 


January Pay for OTs and Annual OCT Fees 

Just a reminder that neither permanent Teachers or OTs/LTOs are paid for statutory holidays - we are exempt from that part of the Employment Standards Act. As a result, the January 15th pay period which covers December 20th to January 2nd is generally empty for TVOT members. (You will note that in your TVOT pocket calendars.)

For those who are in a LTO assignment as of January 2021, please note that the Board will deduct your Ontario College of Teachers/OCT fee of $170 from the pay you are to receive on January 29th. OCT fees are due January of each year however Occasional Teachers have until April 15th to pay this annual fee without penalty. Please be aware that the penalty for late payment is an additional $130. Failure to maintain your membership in OCT will result in dismissal.  Payment can be done by credit card online at OCT membership fees .


Ministry of Education Supports for Remote Learning 

The Ministry is providing open access to webinars/teleconferences in areas such as Virtual Learning and Teaching; the Elementary Math Curriculum; Mental Health and Well-Being; Anti-Racism and Anti-Discrimination.

Topics include:

  • Synchronous Learning
  • Digital Tools and Strategies
  • Engaging All Learners in Communities with Limited Internet Access
  • Assessment for Learning to Support All Learners in Kindergarten
For more details and to register, to


New Tax Credits for Home Office Costs
The Federal government has recently released a  new tax credit that may be of use to ETFO members who have had to work from home. Supporting Canadians and Fighting Covid 19: Fall Economic Statement 2020 sets out tow methods of making a claim which may be of benefit to members if they meet all of the following criteria:
- worked from home in 2020 due to Covid-19 or their employer required them to work from home;
- worked more than 50% of the time from home for a period of at least 4 consecutive weeks in 2020;
- the expenses are used directly in their work during the period;
- have a completed and signed T22000S or T2200 (applicable if using the detailed method to complete the claim) 

For more information click here Working from Home during Covid 19


NEW Webinars from OTF Connects
The Ontario Teachers' Federation has produced several new webinars designed to assist Teachers during these challenging times. Topics include:
- Make Math Moments Through Ratios and Rates
- Make Math Moments Through Proportional Relationships
- Make Math Moments Through Measurement
- Make Math Moments Through Analyzing Data and Probability
- Make Math Moments Through Linear Relationships and Equations
For more information on these and other options, go to -


Your TVOT Executive 
wishes you the all best for 2021!