Thursday, May 7, 2020

LTOs still being posted; Mental Health Week (sorry forgot to publish this on Wednesday)

Teaching continues...
You may not be aware that the Board is still posting long-term assignments so we urge members to continue to apply for positions for which they are qualified. 
Familiarity with online tools will be an asset in these times of distance learning so take time to familiarize yourself with the Board approved platforms. You can find training for much of what you need in the TVDSB Employee Portal > Conference Sessions and if you have not used all of your paid PD opportunities, completion of these sessions count for all purposes as time worked.

This Mental Health Week
Each one of us has been affected by the strains caused by this pandemic, and though it is sometime difficult to ask for help, there is no shame in accepting assistance.

Occasional Teachers now have access to the Board's Employee Assistance supports. Check your Outlook email for more information about .

As well, there are community supports such as "Stronger Minds" by Beacon, a free digital program through the Covid crisis available at

The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) has resources available at

OTIP has a comprehensive list of services available to even those who are not covered by the Ontario Teachers' Insurance Plan so take time to visit to see what might be of assistance to your or someone you know needs support

Just a reminder to members to subscribe to the ETFO Provincial newsletters so that  you don't miss any of ETFO's guides on Responding to Covid-19