Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Spring General Meeting and Banquet and Resources available to you!

We are very excited to welcome and see all our registrants at this afternoon's Spring General Meeting and Banquet in the Crystal Ballroom at the Best Western Lamplighter Inn. It's hard to believe we're nearing the end of the school year and have much to celebrate and plan for in 2019-2010!

From ETFO Provincial, the following are Resources specific to Occasional Teachers that you may not have known about:

ETFO AQ Course:  The Occasional Teacher
This course will focus on the knowledge and skills necessary to be an effective occasioanl teacher. It recognizes that occasional teachers may face additional challenges in their professional lives because of the nature of the occasional teaching role.

I Am the Teacher - Effective Classroom Management for the Occasional Teacher
Experienced practitioners show you how to establish an effective presence in the classroom and school, connect appropriately with students, and establish routines and procedures. This resource outlines student expectations, classroom and behaviour management techniques, and useful instructional practices. To purchase a copy please visit ShopETFO.

The Occasion to Lead:  A Resource Guide for Occasional Teachers
Written by occasional teachers for occasional teachers. The Occasion to Lead is a must-have resource that will provide you with hands-on knowledge about everything you would ever want or need to know about our profession. Note: This resource is no longer available on the ETFO website. You can request the resource by going to the Ontario Teachers Federation (OTF) website

The Heart and Art of Teaching and Learning
The Heart and Art of Teaching and Learning is a book that is full of practical tips for beginning teachers on: setting up your classroom, classroom management, building inclusion, working with parents, meeting diverse learning needs and occasional teaching.

A Member's Guide to Employment Insurance
This resource addresses several issues pertaining to employment insurance.

ETFO Professional Judgement Matters:  The Occasional Teacher Evaluation
Professional judgement guidelines for the occasional teacher evaluation and the teacher performance appraisal outlines the scope with which members can utilize their professional judgement during the evaluation and appraisal process.

ETFO Professional Relations Matters Bulletin Volume 99: Occasional Teacher Evaluation Process
This document was designed as a guide for school boards to develop an evaluation process for long-term occasional teachers (LTOs).

ETFO Occasional Teacher Website
Whatever your assignment or role as an occasional teacher this ETFO site can support you with resources, tips and tools, and classroom experiences. From a quick work sheet to a long-term plan, you'll find it here.