Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Upcoming membership meeting re Bargaining; Friday PD Day opportunities; Requirements to remain on OTE List; The Board's email accounts

Collective Bargaining may seem to be a  process that comes and goes (with much hype) every few years, this being one of them. Be aware however that your TVOT Collective Agreement affects each member, every working day. It offers protection of our rights as employees of TVDSB and it is legally enforcable.

School Board's Collective Bargaining Act: Since 2014, there have been two separate bargaining tables and so there are two separate parts to each ETFO Collective Agreement.

1) This is the ETFO Provincial Office in Toronto and it is this office that conducts bargaining at the Central Bargaining table with the Provincial government and the Ontario Public School Boards Association. You can find out more about this process at
2) Here is your TVOT Local Office in London and it is this team that negotiates with TVDSB for the Local Terms of your Collective Agreement. Register at to keep abreast of local bargaining, and email / 519-641-3936 to attend the June 20th meeting that decides what items to take to the table (see below).
TVOT Bargaining - Local Preliminary Submission
- DATE: Tuesday, June 20/23
- TIME: 4:30 - 6:30 PM
- PLACE: BMO Sports Centre at 295 Rectory Street in London
- PURPOSE: Vote on the proposals your collective bargaining team plans to negotiate with TVDSB
- FOOD: Sandwiches, salads, sweets, drinks
- REGISTRATION: / 519-641-3936 (TVOT members only) 

To Remain on the OTE List for TVDSB
, you must:
- Teach at least 10 days in an elementary site
- Pay your annual OCT fee by April 15th
- Complete the Annual Offence Declaration
- Complete the 15 Mandatory Modules online
- (no word that WHIMIS is needed this school year)
- Notify TVDSB of any changes to your contact information
1) Still spots for in-person paid PD (half-day pay for each session): "Understanding Sex Trafficking" on Friday, June 2 in the morning or the virtual morning sessions: "Exploring the Kindergarten Document" or "No Day Plan, No Problem". Register in the TVDSB Portal.
2) If you are teaching (as either a daily OT or a LTO) at a school when the Steward calls the meeting with staff to discuss ETFO Central bargaining, please know that you are also invited to attend (TVOT members are part of the same Central bargaining table as permanent Teachers).
3) Those in LTOs have until July 31st to send HR their QECO rating and proof of any previous teaching experience. The onus is on you so check your pay stub to see that you are not being paid daily rate!
4) All TVOT daily OTs and LTOs must complete the 15 mandatory online training modules by end of school, June 30th.
5) Deadline to complete paid PD online (with reflection forms) is June 30th.
6) Use a personal email address when communicating with the Union/Local. TVDSB's email belongs to the Board and is not private.