Wednesday, January 11, 2023

ETFO VP Comments on OT shortage; Columbia Outlet Invitation; OCT $200 Fee; Thanks from Merrymount; New LTOs


ETFO Comments on Uncertified Emergency instruction in Ontario

As the OT shortage continues, hear what Provincial ETFO VP Dave Mastin has to say about the use of uncertfied emergency personnel in schools across Ontario.

Deadline: TVOT Invitation Expires Jan.15/23
(Members can bring up to 4 guests)

OCT Fees are due on January 1 of each school year and must be paid by April 19th this year or your teaching certificate will be suspended. The OCT fee this year has increased to $200 and for those who miss the April deadline, there is an additional penalty of $130 in order to be reinstated. TVOT Members who are in a LTO assignment at the beginning of January will have their fee deducted by the Board and this will be reported on their January 27th pay.

The top 5 things that should be on your ‘beginning of the year financial to-do’ list

It’s a new year—and while you might be sorting out whether or not an ‘old acquaintance should be forgotten’, there is a list of money-related things you shouldn’t forget if you want to start this year on the right financial foot.

From making the most of your TFSA and RESP contributions, to getting ahead of the RRSP and tax deadlines, check out the top 5 things that should be on your new year financial to-do list: Brought to you by Educators Financial Group.


In a new LTO?
LTO Contracts: If you are in a position with a posted end date, then ask for your LTO contract the first day so that it will be processed as soon as possible. (If your position has no posted end date, then you will sign your contract on the 10th day, though salary etc. will be retroactive to the first day of the assignment.)
QECO Rating: Make certain to submit a QECO rating to HR along with proof of any previous post-certification teaching experience outside of TVDSB. This includes daily OT work in any public board in Ontario, as this will move you  up the salary grid.
ELHT benefits are available for LTOs who are in an assignment of 90 calendar days or longer, though it may take a few weeks for information to be processed. Enrolment information will be sent to those eligible by OTIP via the Board's Outlook email inbox.  Click on ETFO Employee Life and Health Trust for further information about the plan.

Survive and Thrive is an OTF website containing hundreds of practical hands-on resources on useful topics such as classroom management, special needs students, working with parents, occasional teaching, assessment and reporting. The site is designed with the needs of newer Teachers, Occasional Teachers, mentors and Teacher candidates in mind.

Some of the thanks the Local received from Merrymount Family Support and Crisis Centre for the vanload of toys etc. donated by TVOT members in December and for the Local's cash donation of $5000 to aid in the invaluable work this organization does to support the children and families in our TVDSB community.