Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Lost prep periods; ETFO AQ courses; Your Mental Health; ETFO opportunities


The Occasional Teacher shortage in TVDSB is expected to persist for the remainder of this school year. As a result, both daily and Long-Term Occasional Teachers will find themselves losing scheduled prep periods. This is a violation of our Collective Agreement, and so your TVOT Local urges members to keep track of the dates and how many minutes are lost each occurrence as we work to ensure that this matter is resolved. 

DEADLINE: January 10, 2023.

TVOT members looking to advance their credentials, may wish to register for a Winter AQ courses being offered by fellow ETFO educators and based on sound pedagogical principles. Winter term begins January 16/23 and concludes March 31/23.  As well, members may apply in advance for up to $400 from the TVOT Local's Professional Learning Development Fund (PLDF). Check out for further information.


Holidays can be difficult for many of us. To access the support available on a confidential basis to all TVDSB staff, log into the Employee Portal and click on "View My Employee Assistance Program". As well, ETFO Provincial provides to members and their familes (16 years of age and older) access to self-guided digital support for members. This is available at where you will enter ETFOMEMBER. 



Resisting rust: How to protect your vehicle from rust damage

While road salt helps drivers get safely from one place to the next by keeping streets clear of ice and snow, repeated exposure can leave your vehicle vulnerable to rust. If not correctly taken care of, rust can cause significant damage to your vehicle and pose serious safety risks. Here are 5 things you can do to protect your vehicle from rust damage this winter.