Wednesday, November 9, 2022

See you at the Elm Hurst Inn; Donations for Merrymount; Congratulations CUPE; Missed Prep Periods; CPP Correction


Congratulations to CUPE Education Workers who were successful in fighting Bill 28!

Your TVOT Local was proud to stand with our local CUPE 4222 and CUPE 7575 colleagues as they protested against this injustice. Click on Union Solidarity to see the press conference where labour leaders from across Canada, stood united in opposition to the Ford Government's high-handed imposition of working conditions and their unprecedented use of the "notwithstanding" clause as they tried to avoid accountability through the courts.
Elm Hurst Inn and Spa - Nov. 30/22

Join Your OT Colleagues at the TVOT Local Fall General Meeting, being held at the lovely Elm Hurst Inn in Ingersoll from 4:30 - 7:30 PM on Wednesday, November, 30th.

Enjoy a lovely festive dinner (free to members who register)!
Win one of three $100 gift card door prizes.
Register HERE / 519-641-3936

We ask that those who attend consider bringing a new unused item in support of Merrymount  Family Support and Crisis Centre - an organization that supports the children we teach throughout Thames Valley.

- Given the late release of TVDSB's Retention Stipend, the Board will not require OTs to teach 2 days in October for eligibility; the 2 days per month requirement remains for November, December and January.
- OTs needing a Supervisor's signature to prove eligibility for Part 2 AQs etc., should email Jessica Grison-Roeder in TVDSB's HR department;
- To maintain continuity in the classroom, OTs may want to check with the office at the end of class to see if they are needed the next day;
- QECO does not submit rating statements to the Board so LTOs need to ensure that HR has a copy on file. The deadline to submit this is July 30th of the same school year as the LTO assignment;
- LTOs requiring pregnancy applications will find the form in the TVDSB Employee Portal,  in the section called "Electronic Forms".

Please Keep Track!
The TVOT Collective Agreement provides that a daily OT assumes the schedule of the absent Teacher they are replacing, including scheduled prep periods and supervisory duties. Your TVOT Local is again advocating that members who lose prep periods, be compensated for this violation of the Agreement. We urge members to note each occurence and how many minutes were lost and we will advise members if we reach an agreement.

CORRECTION to previous post - 

CPP - Canada Pension Plan - Everyone pays this except those who are 65 years of age or older. Those older than 65 have a choice and can opt out if they complete a CPT 30 Form . No contributions are required at age 70 or older.  Go to Applying for CPP to find out how you can apply for CPP.  If you begin receiving CPP, you will have to provide payroll with a copy of your statement from CPP indicating that you are receiving this benefit and payroll will cease these deductions. 


Click here to visit The Heart and Art of Teaching and Learning , where Teachers share their ideas and resources.

We answer the top 5 questions asked by education members -

Will taking a deferred salary leave increase your RRSP contribution room? Should you invest in an RRSP or TFSA; is one account better than the other for education members? Should you start collecting CPP if you’ve retired and turned 60?

Education members often have unique questions when it comes to their finances. Here are the top 5 financial questions asked by your fellow colleagues (and their answers): Brought to you by Educators Financial Group.


"The dead soldier's silence sings our national anthem" - Rev. Aaron Kilbourn