Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Being Paid on Grid; Summer Academy Registration; ETFO AQ Courses; Infectious Disease Emergency Leave


Don't Miss this Deadline to be Paid Appropriately!

Whether you are in a posted LTO or a position that has evolved after replacing the same Teacher in the same assignment, in TVDSB you are entitled to be paid according to your QECO rating and previous post-certification teaching experience. The onus is on you however, to ensure that these documents are submitted to HR prior to July 31st for retroactive adjustment for any long-term assignments that took place that school year.

Please be aware that the QECO application process can take several weeks. Click QECO and follow the instructions or call them at 1-800-385-1030 to request a form. Submit the results to TVDSB Staffing Officer Jessica Grison-Roeder before the end of July or forward a copy of the QECO confirmation card to show that your application is in progress. 


Register at ETFO Summer Academy


A reminder that this valuable website is closing - 

For a last chance to access these resources, click on Edugains .


June is Pride Month - a time for all to make sure our practices include everyone.

About ETFO AQ Courses
As the Union representing 83,000 educators in Ontario, ETFO has gained a reputation as one of the foremost providers of Teacher professional learning within Canada. ETFO courses are developed by educators who are active in today's classrooms. Course content is practical and well-grounded in effective practice with an appropriate balance between theory and practice. Courses are reviewed regularly to ensure that the key learning, course activities and resources remain current. 
As required by the Ontario College of Teachers/OCT, ETFO AQs require 125 hours of study. With the exception of FSL, course registration is $675 (FSL requires a Second Language Proficiency Test which costs an additional $75.00)
For more information check AQs for Teachers by Teachers .

Registration has already opened for some courses.

Daily OTs and access to Paid Infectious Disease Emergency Leave TVOT members are encouraged to check out the memo sent by TVDSB on May 31st via Outlook regarding 3 days of paid sick leave for absences related to Covid between April 19/21 and September 25/21. As LTOs have access to paid sick leave under the provisions of our Collective Agreement, they are not eligible.