Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Your First LTO-Surviving to Thriving- repeat PD session; Comments from a TVOT member re OCT magazine; Please Participate in this Survey for Teachers

Your First LTO - Surviving to Thriving (repeated session)

Due to Popular demand, we are pleased to offer a REPEAT SESSION of Your First LTO - Surviving to Thriving on Tuesday December 8, 2020 from 4:30 pm - 7:30 pm.  This session is intended for elementary OTs who are eligible for paid PD (those with an FTE/Contract equal to or less than 0.5).  If you are ineligible for pay but would like to attend, we kindly request that you wait until 24 hours before the session to register.

This session will be offered online via Zoom.  The link is located in the session description which is found by clicking on the session title within the registration section of the Employee Portal.

As a reminder the ONLINE reflection form link is located at the top of the Elementary Conference registration page: . NOTE: This is a Google form so you will need to sign in to your gotvdsb (Google) account. If you are not signed in you receive an error message prompting you to request access.


Covid Grinch Nomination - Ontario College of Teachers by Angus Johnson, TVOT member

Incredibly, the December issue of "Professionally Speaking" the publication of the OCT, stages a full cover portrait of teacher predation, trumpeting itself as provider of "Better Protection for Ontario Students".

Every classroom Teacher in Ontario, every day, is doing more to protect their students - at no small risk to their own health - than the College of Teachers has ever done or will ever do in its entire dubious tenure. Yet Ontario Teachers are forced to pay for publishing this trash and for operating this odious spawn of the Harris regime.

As repugnant as book burnings are, this rag cries out for a bonfire. Copies of the December issue should be gathered up and burned on the steps of 101 Bloor St. W.

Failing some convincing retraction or apology, every elected OCT Teacher should resign and future College elections should be boycotted by Ontario Teachers. 


Survey from Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers and ETFO

Provincial ETFO is seeking data from their members so that they can better advocate for Teachers during this second wave of the pandemic.

Click here to access the survey which should only take a few minutes of your time.


Website Development Continues 

Unfortunately, our new website is still not fully functional so we ask for your patience as we work to restore your access to the secure membership section. Hopefully we are within a week or two before members will again be able to register and have access to the full functions of the site.