Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Cancellation of EQAO testing

The fact that EQAO testing has been cancelled this spring indicates that ETFO's work-to-rule strike action is putting pressure on the government and OPSBA.

The cancellation of EQAO tests in public elementary schools this spring will allow students to focus on more in-depth learning and teachers to use their professional judgment to provide more accurate student assessments.

The ETFO work-to rule will continue until the government and the Ontario Public School Board Association (OPSBA) take the offensive concessions off the table.

Teachers'/OT Prep Time and Central Bargaining
As you are aware, part of the stalemate as ETFO sits at the central bargaining table is over the effort by the Government and by OPSBA to micro-manage Teachers' and Occasional Teachers' preparation time. Ontario ETFO members are now sharing on Twitter the many things they use their prep time for as they accommodate the needs of their students. Check out the many tweets under #MyPrepTime and #4MyStudents to see how your peers are responding to this challenge - we encourage TVOT members to share their own stories.

At a May 8th press conference, ETFO members Laurie Menard and Abayomi Aruso discussed the importance of teachers having self-directed preparation time to meet the individual needs of students. You can view their video at

Book Rebate Deadline - fast approaching
Book Rebate requests must be received at the ETFO- TVOT office by May 31st!
Download the form at in Member Services under Useful Forms/Documents.

Mandatory Modules = .5 day of pay and Online PD options = 3.5 days of pay
The following mandatory training modules must be completed on or before 2015 June 26 (with payment on 2015 July 10) for you to remain active on the elementary OT list for September 2015. Please ensure you are using Internet Explorer to view your mandatory training.  If you are using an alternate browser (i.e Google Chrome, Safari, etc.) then you may run into a compatibility issue.  If you are using the newest version of Internet Explorer you may have to add TVDSB as a compatible website to your computer using the instructions attached.

To access the training modules, please log into your portal. Under staff Development and Training there is a title "Mandatory Training".  Please click on "Mandatory Training" and all the modules listed below will be available to you. Instructions for confirming you've completed the modules are attached.  Please ensure confirmation of your training once you have completed it.

In addition to the noted mandatory training modules, all occasional teachers must complete the annual WHMIS Review and Office Declaration and ITS Security. Links to these modules can be found through the portal under personal information. Click on the link and you will be directed to the training requirements.

  • Module 2 - Handling a Violent Situation
  • Module 3 - Post Incident Review and Documentation
  • Module 4 - Safe Schools and Employee Roles
  • Module 5 - Harassment
  • Module 6 - Work Refusals
  • Module 7 - Management of Aggressive Behaviour
  • Module 10 - Working Late
  • Module 12 - Workplace Design
  • Module 13 - Recognizing and Coping with AB in a School Setting
  • Mental Health Safety Spotlight
  • Mental Health extra video: I had a black dog; his name is depression video
  • Concussion
  • Anaphylaxis (based on Sabrina's Law)