Monday, March 4, 2013

Designated PA Days for ETFO Occasional Teaches

Designated PA Days
Elementary occasional teachers are eligible to up to 4 half days of paid PD during the 2012-2013 school year.  The professional development must take place on system PA days.  Of the 4 half days, a 1/2 day will be mandatory on-line Health and Safety training due by June 28, 2013.  These modules will not be available until May 15, 2013.

Occasional Teacher options for 2012/2013 are:

September 21, 2012 PA day; 1/2 day or full day portal workshops, pre arranged job-embedded or self-directed at a school location
April 19, 2013 PA day; pre arranged 1/2 day or full day job-embedded or self-directed at a school location
June 7, 2013 PA day; 1/2 day and full day workshops at Althouse College, UWO (Employee Portal opens March 8, 2013 for registration)
June 28, 2013 PA day is the deadline for the 1/2 day of mandatory online Health and Safety training (more details to come from Human Resources in June)
**For job-embedded or self-directed PD, you must fax 2 items to System Staff Development (519-452-2692) in order to be paid once the PD is completed.**
    - request form completed with an Administrator's signature and a completed reflection form (go to Portal> Human Resources>System Staff Development for forms)
**If you are on a LTO assignment or partial contract in which a PA day occurs, you are expected at your school site for which you will be paid your FTE.**