Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Maintaining Professional Relationships Among All Educators

ETFO Provincial reminds us that increasingly, the task of educating children is being carried out by teams of education practitioners.  In addition to teachers, many schools employ EAs, ECEs and a number of other professionals including health professionals, community workers and social workers, each of whom play a vital role in the development and education of students.
Professional and respectful relationships among educators and other professionals is not only a necessary ingredient for effective learning, it is also mandated by governmental, regulatory and organizational policy.
For teachers and early childhood educators, both the Ontario College of Teachers Act and the Early Childhood Educators Act  prohibit conduct that is unbecoming a member.  Violation may result in a finding of professional misconduct and could affect the ability of a teacher or early childhood educator to practice in Ontario.
We encourage all educators to treat one another with mutual trust and respect, acknowledging that each has a unique and important role to play in student learning and development.
ETFO members are encouraged to discuss, in a respectful manner, any professional relationship issues that arise between them.  If issues can't be resolved, contact us for assistance.
Mediation is also available through ETFO provincial office to help resolve colleague-to-colleague disputes.  ETFO's Professional Relations staff possess relevant expertise in this area and can assist in working out a reasonable and respectful working relationship.
These solutions should be sought early in order to avoid harassment complaints, human rights complaints, grievances and deteriorating working environments.