Wednesday, February 9, 2022

ETFO Town Hall Meeting; The Underground Railroad; Earn on a Day You Do Not Teach; #RedforEd; "Pink Listing"


Notice of ETFO Virtual Town Hall Meeting 

Wednesday, February 16/22 from 6-7 PM


You can effect positive change in the next provincial election. It's time to get involved and encourage others to join in a collective effort to elect a government that cares about high-quality public education. Let's talk and strategizetogether!

"What's At Stake" is for ETFO members and will be held online using Zoom. To participate you must register by noon on February 14, 2022.   REGISTER HERE



ETFO members are working through one of the most challenging times in our history! ETFO has been fighting hard to ensure safe working and learning conditions during this pandemic and to demand fairness and justice for all workers. Show your solidarity with others when you wear RED FOR ED each and every Friday beginning on February 11! Take pictures of yourself and colleagues wearing red and share them on social media using the hashtag #RedforEd


Just a Reminder - 

Daily OTs "...shall endeavour to provide written feedback to the Teacher being replaced at the conclusion of the occasional assignment. Such feedback will generally include comments on the progress of lessons taught, problems encountered and where appropriate, successes achieved and marks for work completed by students within the occasional assignment." Collective Agreement L18.01(b)


Pink Listed

As of Monday, February 14/22, the OECTA Occasional Teacher bargaining unit in the Toronto Catholic District School Board will begin legal strike action. OECTA is issuing a "Pink Listing" concerning the hiring onto the OT Roster or any Occasional Teacher position of anyone outside the bargaining unit before February 14th.  TVOT members must be aware that they would be subject to discipline by OECTA if they are new hires to the Toronto Catholic DSB as of February 14/22 and agreed to be placed on the OT Roster or accept any OT teaching with that Board. N.B. This "pink listing" does not apply to ETFO members who were already members of that bargaining unit before Feb/ 24th. Such individuals would be subject to the requirements of the bargaining unit's strike sanction model.



Leasing vs. Buying a Car: What's Best For Me? 

Both leasing and buying have their benefits and drawbacks so the right choice all depends on your budget, driving needs and lifestyle. We've outlined some of the key factors to consider when deciding between leasing versus buying your next vehicle to help you determine which option is best for you. Read more at


More Options to Earn While You Learn!

TVDSB is offering another online asynchronous half-day paid PD option for daily Occasional Teachers.  REPEAT 0.5 Online Brightspace for OTs is available for all eligible OTs who have not previously completed this session within the last 2 years.  This session is listed under June 30 and can be completed anytime between now and June 30 when you have daily availability in TVARRIS. 

Look for this in the Employee Portal under Conference/ Session Registrations within the Elementary Occasional Teacher PD 2021-2022 conference.  Registration is now open and the instructions and links are in the description box, which is found by clicking on the session title.

Please note, this half-day PD self-directed session includes two parts.  The video will provide you a guided overview of Brightspace and the Hybrid Learning course will allow you to enter Brightspace as a student and work your way through various topics that will allow you to experience the platform while providing information on how each part works.

You should have a BrightSpace account and the Hybrid course pre-assigned to you.  If you experience issues accessing the VLE or content, please reach out to Joshua Gray at who will work to ensure your account is properly set up.  Please note that it can take up to one business day for this issue to be rectified.  If you have any other questions related to OT PD please reach out to Terri Manning, System Staff Development Specialist at