ETFO's Professional Relation's Services has just issued Volume #87 to advise members about issues regarding the 2015 Health and Physical Education Curriculum. We advise members to check the following link for important information: http://www.etfo.ca/AdviceForMembers/PRSMattersBulletins/Pages/The%202015%20Health%20and%20Physical%20Education%20Curriculum%20and%20You.aspx
ETFO AQ Courses
Provincial ETFO is a leader in offering high quality and affordable Additional Qualification courses in Ontario. The 2016 - 2017 course calendar is now posted with offerings throughout the Spring and Summer months. Please check http://etfo-aq.ca/catalogue/ for additional details.
ETFO Learning Math in the Early Years Conference
Registration is now open for this exciting opportunity for members
to explore effective practices and pedagogy in Math instruction for
Kindergarten to Grade 3. This event will be held at the lovely Kingbridge Conference Centre in King City/Toronto from May 27 - May 28. Registration is $50 with most other costs paid. Check http://www.etfo.ca/CalAttach/mathconference.pdf for further information.