Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Have you considered joining the TVOT Executive

About the TVOT Executive
Nominations for Local Executive elections will soon be posted to our website for positions to begin for next school year.  We meet for a full day in early September with the time to be paid as a day of teaching by TVDSB.  After that orientation session, we meet monthly after school (with the exception of January when the weather can be a factor) at our Local office where we share a catered dinner before discussing emergent issues that impact both daily and Long-Term Occasional Teachers.  The main focus of TVOT is member representation however we participate on many Board committees, host lots of professional development events and interact with organizations that can promote public education and the fine work of our elementary OTs. Your OT Local has the mandate to deal with every aspect of members working relationship with the Board and it can be rewarding to resolve member issues and debate interactions with the Board that can have such far-reaching consequences.
Executive positions require a commitment for just 1 year, except for the position of President which is a 2 year position.  We encourage members to give consideration to putting their names forward and learn more about the Union by serving on the Local Executive.  Your input is greatly valued and whether or not you decide to run, please join us at our Spring General Meeting on May 19th at the Lamplighter Inn for a fine dinner (free), great door prizes and an update on OT matters.  Registration will be on our Local website. We look forward to meeting lots of you there.