Wednesday, February 26, 2025

ETFO language curriculum assistance videos; Salary information; Leaving a LTO by mutual consent; Your Collective Agreement


For specific information on the voting process go to


Looking for support as you implement the new language curriculum?
 Check out ETFO's member-developed videos available on ETFO's YouTube channel
Below is an example developed to support Early Writers in Junior Intermediate 


Registration is now open for ETFO AQ Spring Courses to begin April 15th. These are courses specifically developed by Teachers for Teachers. For more information check out 
Don't forget that TVOT members who have been on our list for at least 12 months, are eligible to apply for our $500 Professional Learning Development Fund to help subsidize courses related to teaching in an elementary setting. 
All TVOT members can apply for our $75 Rebate for resources related to elementary teaching .  
Both forms are available for members registered at

Looking for our new Collective Agreement?
If you have registered for the secure section of you will find it under "Documents" and then "General".  
TVDSB has also posted our new Collective Agreement in their Staff Hub. Log in and go to "Human Resources" and then "Documents".
Those attending upcoming membership meetings will receive a paper copy of the Agreement. 

Q: Why does my pay sometimes show fractions of a day instead of a whole day or a half-day?
A: The TVOT Collective Agreement states that salary will be pro-rated when covering part-time assignments however, there is nothing less than a half-day of pay. (Article L7.03) 
Q: If I am on both panels, can I accept a part-time secondary daily assignment and a part day elementary assignment, then have that partial elementary job rounded up to half-time as provided above?
Q:  Unfortunately our TVOT agreement also states that there is nothing more than 1 full day for purposes of salary. (Article L7.04)
Q. Can I resign from a long-term assignment?
A: Yes, the Collective Agreements allows LTOs to resign from an assignment by mutual consent. They must provide 10 teaching days notice, copy Jessica Grison Roeder in HR and leave behind any assessments etc. for the next Teacher. (Article L5.07 (c))
Q: As a daily OT, can I be asked to forfeit my prep-period?
A: While the Collective Agreement provides that OTs have the same timetable as the Teacher they are replacing, there may be times when the school is unable to provide the scheduled prep time. In that case, the Board has agreed to annually compensate our members for this time so please keep track of the date, assignment and how many minutes you lost so that you can submit your claim when the form becomes available in June. (Letter of Understanding #5)
Q: Do daily Occasional Teachers have access to the Board's Employee Assistance Program?
A: Yes, the brochure outlining services provided by the Telus Health Employee Family Assistance Program provides is available in the TVDSB Employee Portal.

Important reminder for all ETFO members:

Be sure to register at for access to opportunities, information, classroom resources, and more.


The Internartional Day of Pink is April 9, 2025



Tuesday, March 4, 2025 is Shrove Tuesday

March 3 to 9, 2025 is Social Work Week in Ontario, and across Canada;
March is National Social Work Month