As a Daily OT did you know -
- You can accept daily assignments outside of your qualifications, e.g. French, Intermediate, etc.
- Morning half-day assignments shall end no later than 20 minutes after the end of class instructional time and afternoon assignments shall begin no earlier than 20 minutes before class instructional time.
- Occasional Teachers shall not be assigned supervisory duties prior to the commencement of class on the first morning of an assignment or prior to the commencement of the afternoon class on the first day if it is a half-day afternoon assignment.
- The timetable for an Occasional Teacher shall be the same as the timetable as the Teacher they are replacing. This includes prep periods and supervisory duties. If classes are collapsed due to inclement weather, then the OT follows the timetable in the original class.
- Members who do not receive scheduled prep periods will be compensated by the Board. This form will be available in June.
- An Occasional Teacher who accepts and reports for an assignment shall be placed in that assignment unless otherwise mutually agreed. However, if there is a vacant classroom assignment, reassignment of the Occasional Teacher from a non-classroom assignment, may be necessary at the discretion of the Principal to address student needs.
As an LTO, did you know -
- You have access to 11 days of sick leave at 100% of salary in a full year1.0 FTE assignment, followed by 120 days of short-term leave disability plan days (STLDP) at 90% of salary. (STLDP may require medical documentation).
- Sick leave days are pro-rated for less than a full year assignment or less a than full time position (If Board requests medical confirmation, it is to be sent confidentially to the TVDSB Abilities and Wellness Officer).
- LTOs who are in full-time and part time positions are expected to attend Professional Activity days at their schools according to their teaching complement/FTE. That is to say a half time / .5 LTO participates in half of the PD Days and will be paid at the LTO rate to attend.
- Any LTO whose contract runs to the end of the year is expected to attend school on the June 30th PA Day and will be paid, unless the permanent Teacher they are replacing, attends that day.
- Long Term Occasional Teachers should always check the LTO form when hired to verify that the information is accurate.
- Long Term Occasional Teachers' salaries are based on the salary grid. The yearly salary for an LTO and a permanent Teacher are the same for the identical years of experience and grid placement. However, the LTO's annual pay is divided by the 194 teaching days in the school calendar for a per diem. (No Teachers are paid for statutory holidays.)
- LTOs in the NTIP program are exempt from the evaluation component of the program and do not need to provide an Annual Learning Plan.
- TVDSB automatically deducts the annual Ontario College of Teachers' (OCT) fee from the salary of those who are in a long-term assignment at the beginning of each January. The annual OCT fee of $200 is due January 1/25 however payments can be made up to April 15th without penalty. The College charges an additional $130 reistatement fee from those who miss the April deadline.- IMPORTANT: TVOT members who have not completed the OCT Sexual Abuse Prevention Program by July 2, 2025 will have their teaching licence "administrativelty suspended" until they have completed the training and paid the $130 reinstatement fee.
Our Provincial Election is February 27! Canadian citizens who are 18 years of age or older and who reside in Ontario can exercise their right to have a say in how the province is governed.
Elections Ontario reminds voters:
- Voter information cards will be in the mail from February 17 - 22;
- You can apply to vote by mail before 6 PM on February 21 at and you will receive your voting kit with a write-in ballot where you must insert the candidate's given name (or initials) and surname;
- Bring your ID and you can vote in person at your local election office from January 30 until 6 PM on February 26
- Bring your ID and you can vote at an advance voting location from 10 AM - 8 PM from February 20 - 22
- Polls will be open on election day, February 27 at your assigned voting location from 9 AM to 9 PM
To find out more about the election platforms visit :
- Green Party of Ontario at
- New Democratic Party of Ontario at
- Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario at
NOTE - The Local will send a blast email to TVOT members later this week listing Provincial ETFO endorsed candidates in the area.
ETFO Provincial Offers the following opportunities for members. In many cases, ETFO will pay for transportation, shared accommodations, meals and compensation for daily OTs who cannot teach that day. Here is some of what is being offered: