Ensure that you are being paid properly. Cheque your TVDSB paystubs regularly.
Please note that if you are a LTO, you are eligible for salary that reflects your previous teaching experience and your qualifications, however you must provide the Board with a QECO / Qualifications Rating Statement or a card indicating your rating is in progress, prior to July 31st for retroactive adjustment. Note that the process can take several weeks.
1) To
obtain a QECO Rating, follow the instructions at www.qeco.on.ca
or call QECO at 1-800-385-1030 and request an application form.
2) Once received, submit the results to TVDSB Staffing Officer, Jessica Grison Roeder - j.grisonroeder@tvdsb.ca before the July deadline or forward a copy of the green QECO confirmation card if your application is in progress but not yet processed. Contact your Local OT Office at etfotvot@gmail.com or 519-641-3936 for further information.
Having trouble accessing the Board's H&S Forms? Our sister ETFO Teacher Local hopes this will be helpful -
These cuts are real!
To see how your public school has been affected, go to https://www.buildingbetterschools.ca/
Until midnight on January 22, 2025, Bell will match every $5 donation made to help youth mental health in Canada.
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Read more at www.otip.com/article189. #OTIPUpdate
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