About Your Salary-
A daily elementary Occasional Teacher / OTE in TVDSB is paid $271.60 plus 4% shown on a separate line, for a total per diem of $282.46.
A Long-Term Occasional Teacher / LTO (any member who has been replacing the same absent Teacher in the same assignment becomes a LTO on the 10th consecutive day) is to be paid on the permanent Teacher salary grid according to their QECO rating and previous post-certification teaching experience. This updated salary grid has just been published in TVDSB's Outlook "Occasional Teacher Group" and in the secure section of our local TVOT website www.etfotvot.com . N.B. The deadline to correct errors in salary is 12 months so members are urged to review their paystubs regularly.
As an
LTO, you are eligible for salary that reflects your qualifications, however the onus is on you to provide the Board
with a QECO / Qualifications Rating Statement or a card indicating your rating
is in progress, prior to July 31st for retroactive adjustment. Note that the process can take several weeks.
1) To
obtain a QECO Rating, follow the instructions at www.qeco.on.ca
or call QECO at 1-800-385-1030 and request an application form.
Once received, submit the results to TVDSB Staffing Officer, Jessica Grison
Roeder - j.grisonroeder@tvdsb.ca before the July deadline or forward a copy of the
green QECO confirmation card if your application is in progress but will not be available by the due date.
same July 31st deadline applies to proof of any post-certification
teaching experience, outside of TVDSB so be sure to submit those documents to
HR so as they will advance you on the LTO salary grid.
Please don’t hesitate to contact your ETFO TVOT
Local for further details.
1) Your TVOT Local will be hosting paid after-school PD workshops on Thursday, November 14/24 at the Lamplighter Inn in London. Registration will open later this week in the TVDSB Employee Portal. N.B. Please let us know if you need to cancel as there are often waiting lists of members who want to participate.
The Daily Occasional Teacher and the DE Classroom -
to help you to confidently (and safely) teach
students in DE classrooms. Learn about safety plans, practical
strategies for escalating behaviours when students are upset and the importance
of using visuals. Understand how to build positive, working relationships with
EAs, the importance of routines, and strategies for teaching non-verbal and
minimally verbal students. This information will be practical to all your daily assignments! Max: 40
Making Sense of Measurement: The Metric System!
- unpack
the metric system in a logical, practical, understandable way making connections
between the different metric units of measurement and their applications,
including linearity, mass and capacity. Be prepared to be hands-on and
together we’ll strengthen our knowledge of the metric system by reconstructing
it starting with the base units. Max: 40
Visual Arts for Students with Exceptionalities – a hands-on,
experiential workshop to explore the fundamental concepts of visual art, the
creative and critical analysis processes, and how artistic experiences can
support students with exceptionalities. Leave with practical ideas,
activities, strategies, and additional resources for visual arts programming
that offer multi-sensory, flexible, creative, collaborative,
confidence-building, calming, and playful opportunities for students to learn
and show their learning in unique and safe ways. Max: 30
2) All asynchronous online paid PD has been moved to TVDSB's Brightspace platform. This is not the area you use for your classroom. Here is the link and you will need to log-in with your TVDSB Outlook password - https://stafflearninghub.tvdsb.ca/d2l/home . N.B. Registration for all Board paid PD for elementary Occasional Teachers remains via the Board's Employee Portal in the "Conference/Session Registration" area. Please be aware that online asynchronous learning however, no longer requires advance registration - you can find it in Brightspace.
Get Paid! Be sure to complete the mandatory Reflection Form (found under "Surveys" in Brightspace) so that you receive payment for your participation. Select a date of completion that you have available in TVARRIS. For full day sessions, you must complete a separate form for both the AM and PM sessions.
You will know you have completed the maximum of 1.5 days of paid PD when all three forms have been submitted as the remaining half day is set aside for the mandatory training which will be posted in the Spring 2025.
Paid PD is open to daily Occasional Teachers in the elementary panel and those in LTOs of .5 FTE or less.
ETFO Provincial issues PRS Matters bulletins to keep members informed on a varitey of important legal and professional issues so as to prevent situations which could threaten an individual member's career or the status of our profession.Members are advised to call ETFO's Professional Relations Services (PRS) staff at 1-888-838-3836 for more information on such matters. Additional PRS Matters Bulletins can be found by logging into ETFO Provincial's secure site at members.etfo.ca
ETFO Thames Valley Teacher Local President Craig Smith - Panelist