Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Basic Info for LTOs and Daily OTs; Personal Email Addresses Please; Your Pension webinars; Upcoming meetings for ETFO Members;


As a TVOT Daily OT did you know?

-        You can accept TVARRIS daily assignments outside of your qualifications, e.g. French, Intermediate etc.

-        Morning half-day assignments shall end no later than 20 minutes after the end of class instructional time and afternoon assignments shall begin no earlier than 20 minutes before class instructional time.

-        Occasional Teachers shall not be assigned supervisory duties prior to the commencement of class on the first morning of an assignment or prior to the commencement of the afternoon class on the first day if it is a half-day afternoon assignment.

-   An Occasional Teacher who accepts and reports for an assignment shall be placed in that assignment unless otherwise mutually agreed. However, where there is a vacant classroom assignment, reassignment of the Occasional Teacher from a non-classroom assignment may be necessary at the discretion of the Principal to address student needs.

-   The timetable for an Occasional Teacher shall be the same as the timetable as the Teacher they are replacing. This includes prep periods and supervisory duties.

-   Members need to keep track of times when they do not receive their prep periods as they will receive compensation for the loss of this valuable time at the end of the school year


 As an LTO, did you know...

-        You have access to 11 days of sick leave at 100% of salary for those in a full year, 1.0 FTE assignment, and then 120 short-term disability days (STLDP) at 90% of salary (STLDP often requires medical documentation) 

-        Sick leave days are pro-rated for less than a full year assignment or less than a full time position. 

-        LTOs who are in full-time and part time positions are expected to attend Professional Activity days at their schools according to their teaching complement/FTE. That is to say a half time / .5 LTO participates in half of the PD Days and will be paid at the LTO rate to attend.

-        Long-Term Occasional Teachers should always check the LTO form when hired to verify that the information contained therein is accurate.

-        Long-Term Occasional Teachers’ salaries are based on the salary grid. The yearly salary for an LTO and a permanent teacher are the same for the identical years of experience and grid placement. However, the LTO’s annual pay is divided by the 194 teaching days in the school calendar for a per diem.

- To be eligible for benefits, LTOs must be in an assignment of 90 calendar days or longer.

-        LTOs in the NTIP program are exempt from the evaluation component of the program.


Be professional – Don’t use the TVDSB system for personal correspondence. There is no privacy when an employee uses the Board’s property whether it is a TVDSB computer or the Board’s Outlook email system (even from a home computer). All such usage must be appropriate and related to your employment with the Board.  Inappropriate use of such equipment could result in the Board limiting or revoking your access and possible discipline.

The Union asks members to use a personal email address when contacting the Local.


Your pension is one of your most important financial assets.
Register to attend one of several upcoming webinars hosted by the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (OTPP) and gain an understanding of how to maximize your pension benefits and how some life events may impact your pension. 
Sessions are being offered from mid-October to the end of November. Click on the link for more information and registration details - 

Provincial ETFO Workshops 
From the first day that you teach in the elementary panel, you become a member of ETFO. All ETFO members are eligible to attend workshops hosted by the Provincial Office and in many cases, expenses for travel, meals accommodation, dependent care and release time will be covered per ETFO Provincial guidelines. To find out what is currently being offered, check out -


Deadline to Register - October 17, 2024

Important Notice to all ETFO members - 
This fall 2024, ETFO is holding membership meetings in communities across the province. 
Provincial and local leaders want to hear from permanent Teachers, LTOs and daily Occasional Teachers about your experiences in the workplace and 
about the changes you want to see in our schools. 
Join us for this important discussion and have your voice heard.
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Registration and Light dinner provided at 4:30 PM; meeting at 5 PM
Hellenic Community Centre, 133 Southdale Road West, London ON
Occasional Teachers/LTOs register by email: or by phone: 519-641-3936
Please alert us to any dietary restrictions
Additional details:
Deadline to register is Thursday, October 17, 2024 (advance registration required)
Forms for dependent care and kilometrage expenses will be available at the meeting.

Never hesitate to call the TVOT Office for ETFO Thames Valley Occasional Teachers at 519-641-3936 or 
It is our job to represent the interest of our members in their dealings with the employer and to treat calls confidentially. We look forward to hearing from you.

Home Fire Safety

One of the most common emergencies Canadians experience is a fire in their home. House fires can happen anywhere and anytime, but they're most common between December and March. Since Fire Prevention Week is October 6 to 12, it's the perfect time to learn how to protect your home and loved ones from the impacts of fire. A house fire can pose a severe threat in just a few minutes, which is why it's so important to be informed and prepared.

Read more at #OTIPUpdate

As our way of saying thank you for getting an auto and/or home insurance quote, we'll send you a $20 gift card of your choice. Plus, when you get a quote throughout September and October, you'll be automatically entered into our Back to School Bonus Contest for a chance to win $1,000 cash! Get an online quote or call 1-888-892-4935 and mention this offer.



Wednesday, October 9, 2024

No first duties; Be there 15 minutes before class; Prep Periods; Half-day assignments; Upcoming ETFO Provindial meeting for OTs, LTOs, and Permanent Teachers

Once negotiations have ended, it is up to the parties to see that the provisions of the Collective Agreement are being followed.  TVOT members have an obligation to each other to report violations to the OT Office. For instance, every time an OT accepts a duty on the first day of a daily assignment (contrary to Article L18.03), it becomes more difficult for the next OT to insist on that time to prepare for the day's assignment, as both the Board and the Local have agreed.
Never hesitate to contact your OT Office for advice or with your concerns. Your Local can guide you through Board processes and address employment issues. Know that your calls will be treated confidentially. 
- The Education Act requires  Teachers to be at school at least15 minutes before the start of class in the morning and at least 5 minutes before the start of afternoon classes.
- Make yourself unavailable in TVARRIS if you cannot teach. This enables the system to effectively fill vacancies. 
- There is no penalty for being unavailable so long as TVOT members teach the required 10 days necessary to remain on the elementary OT List.
- OTs can accept daily assignments outside of their qualifications e.g., French, Intermediate.
- As with permanent Teachers, TVOT members cannot be directed how to use their prep periods.
- There is nothing less than a half-day daily assignment, however jobs will be pro-rated after that.
- The timetable for the OT is the same as the timetable for the absent permanent Teacher - same supervision duties and prep periods. 
- Should an Administrator ask you to give up your prep period, keep track of the date, assignment and length of the lost period and you will be financially compensated at the end of the school  year.
- Prep time is paid time so TVOT members cannot leave the school without obtaining permission from the Administrator.

Retire with confidence. Our partner @Educators Financial Group has developed an educator-specific calculator to help you see if you’re on track to enjoy the retirement lifestyle you want. Review your results with a Financial Advisor and receive a $25 Amazon gift card*:


Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Your Timetable as an OT; Leaves of Absence for daily OTs; TVDSB Disconnecting from Work; A message from the ETFO Provincial President; Columbia Outlet Invitation; Provincial PD Opportunities;

It's important to know that your Collective Agreement provides:

L18.02 - The timetable for an Occasional Teacher shall be the same as the timetable of the Teacher being replaced...
L18.03 a) - Unless hired for a long-term occasional assignment in accordance with the provisions of Article L15, an Occasional Teacher shall not be assigned supervisory duties prior to the commencement of class on the first morning of an assignment or prior to the commencement of the afternoon class on the first day if it is a half-day afternoon assignment.
L18.03 b) - Where an Occasional Teacher is hired for a vacancy for preparation time or meeting coverage, that Occasional Teacher shall be assigned no more than one (1) supervisory duty. The Occasional Teachers will still maintain a forty (40) minute uninterrupted lunch and forty (40) minute preparation time period. The forty (40) minute preparation time will be scheduled as early in the day as possible based on the schedule of events requiring coverage.

Leaves from the OT elementary List:
- TVOT daily members can apply for a voluntary leave of absence from the OTE (Occasional Teacher Elementary) list: 
  • a full year leave (Article L10.16 - deadline to apply is December 30th) This is good if  the OT is working for secondary or for another Board
  • less than a full year leave (Article L10.17 and the number of days required to remain on the OTE list will be pro-rated to one day per each month they were active).
In both cases, members apply via Laserfiche in the TVDSB Employee Portal and the Supervisor will be Clare Macmillan /
Contact the OT Office for further details.

TVDSB Communication Protocol -

TVOT members are reminded that the Board's "Disconnecting from Work - Employee Procedure", has been in effect since June 2022. It provides guidelines to employees to eliminate or significantly reduce the practice of After-Hours work-related communications. “After Hours” generally means from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. Monday to Friday and from Friday 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Sunday.  “Disconnect from Work” means not engaging in work-related communications, including emails, telephone calls, video calls, text messages, or the sending or reviewing of other messages, so as to be free from the performance of work. There will be no consequence or penalty for staff who do not respond to after-hours communication, subject to the requirements related to emergency communications.


Are you ready to make a difference? 

A message from Karen Brown, Provincial ETFO President

 Your Columbia Employee Store Invitation is valid from September 20 - October 13th.  For store access to brands such as Columbia, Mountain Hardwear, Sorel and PrAna, TVOT members will need to provide the invitation and proof of affiliation (pay stub). Invitees can bring up to 4 additional guests. 


TVOT Occasional Teachers / LTOs are eligible to attend ETFO Provincial Events and Conferences and i
n many cases, ETFO Provincial will reimburse members with release time which counts for all purposes, as time worked. 
Here are a few programs you might find of interest (WP programs are only available to women members) 




Are you aware that OTIP (the Ontario Teachers' Insurance Plan) is built for all members of the education community? Get personalized service, exclusive discounts on car and home insurance, and a $20 gift card of your choice when you get a quote. Plus, when you get a quote throughout September and October, you'll be automatically entered into our Back to School Bonus Contest for a chance to win $1,000 cash! Get a quote: #OTIPUpdate


Provincial ETFO Awards are open members and include daily and LTO Occasional Teachers.
Applications for these awards are open until February 1, 2025 and are available at

Anti-Bias Award - For an active ETFO member or group of members who develop and teach units and/or incorporate practices that work toward the elimination of bias. $500 Award

Anti-Poverty Award  - For an active ETFO member or group of members who have given outstanding service to supporting anti-poverty initiatives in their school and/or broader community. $500 Award

Anti-Racist and Equity Activism Award - For an active ETFO member or group of members to recognize active involvement in anti-racist and equity activism in the classroom or community.  $500 Award

Anti-Racist and Equity Activism Award (Woman’s Program)  -  For an active ETFO woman member to recognize active involvement in anti-racist and equity activism in the classroom or community.  $500 Award

Arts and Culture Award - For an active ETFO member(s) to recognize involvement in arts and cultural activities for children in either the classroom or community. $500 Award

Children’s Literature Award (open to ETFO members/non-ETFO members) -For an active ETFO member or an individual or group of non-ETFO people who write a specific piece of published children’s literature appropriate for elementary school-age children that recognizes quality children’s literature that is in keeping with ETFO’s positions on social justice and equity. $500 Award

Environmental Education Award  - For an active ETFO member to recognize their outstanding commitment to the care and protection of the environment. $500 Award

Faculty of Education Award - For a student at a faculty or school of education at a publicly funded university/institution in Ontario, during the final year of their teacher training. Up to 17 $500 Awards (This award is not intended to support a master’s or doctorate program).

Health and Safety Activist Award - For an active member of ETFO to recognize their outstanding commitment and involvement in health and safety activities. The recipient shall receive a recognition award and be invited to a luncheon and awards ceremony at ETFO’s Annual Meeting.

Honorary Life Membership Award - For an individual who has retired from the education profession, for one full calendar year prior to the February 1st nomination deadline, and who has given outstanding service to the Federation at the provincial level. The recipient(s) shall be given an ETFO pin and extended the rights and privileges of being an honorary life member. The recipient(s) shall be honoured at the Annual Meeting.

International Humanitarian Award for an ETFO Member - For an active ETFO member who has given outstanding service to supporting children in the global community. The recipient shall receive a donation of $500 to further the work being acknowledged by ETFO and receive a Certificate of Recognition from the president.

International Humanitarian Award for non-ETFO Member - For an individual or a group of individuals who do not hold ETFO membership, but have given outstanding service to supporting children in the global community. The recipient shall receive a donation of $500 to further the work being acknowledged by ETFO and a Certificate of Recognition from the president.

Local Humanitarian Award for an ETFO Member - For an active ETFO member who has given outstanding service to supporting children in the local community. The recipient shall receive a donation of $500 to further the work being acknowledged by ETFO and receive a Certificate of Recognition from the president.

Local Humanitarian Award for non-ETFO Member - For an individual or a group of individuals who do not hold ETFO membership but have given outstanding service to supporting children in the local community. The recipient shall receive a donation of $500 to further the work being acknowledged by ETFO and a Certificate of Recognition from the president.

Member Service and Engagement Award - To recognizes the excellence of ETFO locals at engaging and involving members. Outstanding service to members and innovative strategies to communicate with and involve members in the Federation are celebrated by this award. This award will be presented to the local following an awards luncheon, to which the president and up to two guests are invited, at an awards ceremony during the Annual Meeting. Up to two awards may be given each year.

New Member Award - For a member of ETFO with five years or less membership who has shown a commitment to the Objects of ETFO, and been significantly involved at the local and/or provincial level of the organization. The recipient shall receive a recognition award and be invited to a luncheon and awards ceremony at the Annual Meeting.

Outstanding Role Model for Women Award (Women’s Program) - For an active ETFO woman member who has been an outstanding role model for women at the local level during the previous school year. The recipient shall receive a recognition award and be invited to a luncheon and awards presentation at the Annual Meeting.

Outstanding Service as ETFO Staff Member Award - For an individual(s) who has given outstanding service to the Federation during their career. The staff member must be retired from the ETFO staff for one full calendar year prior to the February 1 nomination deadline. Retired staff members shall be nominated by the ETFO Executive, upon recommendation of the General Secretary or designate. The recipient(s) shall receive an award and be honoured at the Annual Dinner. The recipient(s) shall have the privilege of attending the ETFO Annual Dinner each year and any other privileges as determined by the ETFO Executive.

Political Activist Award - For an ETFO member’s outstanding commitment to union activism. The recipient shall receive a recognition award and be invited to a luncheon and awards ceremony at the Annual Meeting. ETFO may grant one award each year.

Professional Learning and Curriculum Development Award - For an active ETFO member or members to recognize a curriculum unit, resource, etc. that they have developed. $500 Award

Professional Learning and Curriculum Development Award (Women’s Program) - For an active ETFO woman member or a group of women members to recognize a curriculum unit, resource, etc. that they have developed. $500 Award

Rainbow Visions Award (open to ETFO members/non-ETFO members) - For an active ETFO member or group of members or to an individual, or group of individuals, who do not hold ETFO membership, who develop materials and/or incorporate practices that work toward the inclusion of two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, plus (2SLGBTQ+) realities. $500 Award

Women Who Develop Special Programs in Science and Technology Award ( Women’s Program) - This award may be presented as an incentive for active ETFO women members to produce innovative educational materials related to science and technology. $500 Award

Women Working in Social Activism on Behalf of Women and Children Award – Women’s Program (open to non-ETFO members) - For an individual woman or a group of women who do not hold ETFO membership but have been outstanding social activists on behalf of women and children in the local or global community. Up to two awards of $2,500 

Writer’s Award  -  For an active ETFO member or a group of members to recognize published or unpublished works. $500 Award

Writer’s Award (Women’s Program - For an active ETFO woman member or a group of women members to recognize published or unpublished works. $500 Award