Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Columbia Sportswear Store Invitation; Cell phones in School; Your Health and Safety Rights; Lots of Provincial ETFO Workshops

The new daily 
Occasional Teacher rate in TVDSB is $271.60 plus 4% which is shown on a separate line for a total per diem of $282.46.  The grid for LTOs will soon be published once all parties have had a chance to approve it.

NEW - School Board Policy on Enforcement of Restrictions to Student Personal Mobile Device Use

School boards must develop a local policy setting out how they will enforce the restrictions on student use of personal mobile devices at school. The policy must comply with the board’s obligations under the Education Act and other relevant provincial policy and legislation. The policy must, at minimum, align with the following direction provided in this memorandum:

All members of the school community must not use personal mobile devices during instructional time except under the following circumstances:

- for educational purposes, as directed by an educator

- for health and medical purposes

- to support special education needs

At minimum the local policy must require that for grades 7 to 12 students’ personal mobile devices are stored out of view and powered off or set to silent mode during instructional time, except when their use is explicitly permitted by the educator under the circumstances outlined above.

If the educator sees a personal mobile device that is not stored out of view, they must require the device be handed in for the instructional period and the device must be placed, by the student, in a storage area in a location in the classroom designated by the educator

For students in grade 6 and below, at minimum the local policy must require that students’ personal mobile devices are stored out of view and powered off or set to silent mode through out the full instructional day, except when their use is explicitly permitted by the educator under the circumstances outlined above.

If an educator sees a personal mobile device that is not stored out of view, they must require the device be handed in for the instructional day and the device must be placed, by the student, in a storage area in a location designated by the principal

The student is responsible for their personal mobile device, how they use it and the consequences of not following the school board’s policy on personal mobile device use.

If the student does not hand in their personal mobile device when required, they must be sent to the Principal’s office. Principals have discretion under PPM No. 145, Progressive discipline and promoting positive student behaviour, to consider a range of responses to address this behaviour including suspension.            To support the implementation of the above, the local policy must include:

- an approach to enforcement of the restrictions that includes clear expectations of responsibility for students, educators, principals and superintendents

- best practices for educators on classroom management related to responsible use of technology

- a requirement for schools to have an annual notification sent to parents and students reminding them of the policy, its requirements and consequences for non-compliance

- a requirement that the expectations and responsibilities under the local policy, the best practices for educators and the annual notifications for parents be shared with all educators and principals.


You have a right to a safe worksite. To find out more visit

A way to save at the Columbia Sportswear Outlet - time limited!

Did you know that TVOT Occasional Teachers / LTOs are eligible to attend ETFO Provincial Events and Conferences? 
In many cases, ETFO Provincial will reimburse members with release time which counts for all purposes, as time worked. 
Here are a few programs you might find of interest (WP programs are only available to women members) -