Wednesday, June 26, 2024

FINAL REMINDER re Mandatory Training; New Look to Paid PD; Prep Payback; TVOT Summer Office Closure; Educator's Privacy Rights Decision and more


Mandatory Training Final Reminder:  In order to receive a 1/2 day of pay for the Mandatory Training found in the Employee Portal, it must be fully completed by this Friday, June 28th, 2024, by 4pm. All Mandatory Training must be completed by August 31 (unpaid) prior to returning to work. Remember that there are 13 videos to watch, along with your Cybersecurity and Privacy Training (3 quizzes in total) and your annual Offence Declaration.

If you are a teacher-retiree working as an Occasional Teacher and concerned that the Board's paid mandatory training may affect your pension, please contact: Terri Manning, TVDSB System Staff Development Specialist.  Email:

A New Look to Paid PD!

Starting this fall, all paid PD registrations, PD online modules and the PD reflection form will be moving from their current location in the Employee Portal to their new home in TVDSB's Brightspace platform! Stay tuned for more instructions for access in September, 2024!

Prep Payback:

A new form for Prep Payback in the Board's Sharepoint will be used similar to previous times, and we are awaiting a beginning date. Please continue to record date/location/lost prep minutes as you have been doing.

A reminder that your Local ETFO TVOT Office will be closed after Friday June 28th and will re-open when school resumes in September. We do however check our emails on a weekly basis.

Should an emergency occur where members require assistance from ETFO Provincial, you can contact them at 1-888-838-3836.

ETFO's 10-year Battle: A Supreme Court Decision on Educator's Rights to Privacy!

You might be interested to know about the recent, June 21st, 2024, Supreme Court decision that found employees still retain some reasonable expectations around privacy rights at work as outlined in Section 8 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Read more about ETFO's fight and the Supreme Court decision here:

Remember, it is a condition of employment to update  your contact information in the Board's Employee Portal under View/Change my Personal Information. Please update any new home addresses or phone numbers as soon as they change.

Celebrate Thursday, June 27!

Celebrate the diversity of music, dance, and food from around the world at the annual Sunfest in Victoria Park. Free admission (donations accepted)!

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Prep Payback; Heat Stress Information Sheet; International Travel and Access to Board Accounts; Mandatory Training Accounts; Columbia Employee Store Invitation and more..


Prep Payback: As a reminder there will be a new process for receiving compensation for lost prep time. Please record the date and lost prep minutes and keep for future reference. Stay tuned!




International Travel and Access to Board Accounts

Are you planning to travel outside of Canada? If so, then your access to Board password protected accounts requiring log-in, including your Outlook account, might be restricted.

In advance of travel outside of Canada, all staff, requiring access to their TVDSB accounts, must ensure the following are completed a minimum of seven (7) days prior to leaving the country.

Submit a HelpHub request – Search for “Login Access for Travel outside of Canada” and complete request outlining travel dates, and appropriate approvals.

Setup of Multi factor authentication (MFA), Please follow the instructions on the attached (Set up MFA).

For further information and help with MFA, staff can access various resources through this link, Staff Passwords (which leads to the Board’s SharePoint page) or by contacting the ITS Service Desk at 519-452-2005.

 Please consult the following steps for setting up Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) when travelling internationally.


Mandatory Training:

Please note that in order to be paid for mandatory training, it must be fully completed by Friday June 28th, 2024 at 4 pm and must be completed (unpaid) by August 31st, 2024 prior to beginning work in September.

This is the complete list of mandatory training:

Part 1






Fire Safety Awareness

Preventing Slips Trips Falls

Employee Incident Reporting and Safe School Incident Reporting

Safe Schools Incident Reporting and Employee Incident Reporting Decision Too Flowchart

Domestic Violence

Violence Awareness and Handling Violent Situations

Hazard Awareness Training


Part 2

Cyber Security Part 1 and Part 2

Privacy Training

Your Annual Offence Declaration

Paid Pd: Did you know that section L20.06 (i) gives you 2 days of paid PD (including your mandatory training)? These paid days count as days worked for all intents and purposes, and count towards your 10-day, yearly requirement to remain on the OT List. Please see the Employee Portal under Conference/Session Registration on the right-hand side. These must be completed by Friday,  June 28th, 2024 in order to receive payment.   

Note: In Part 2 of the mandatory training, there are three quizzes: 2 quizzes for Cyber Security Training and 1 for the Privacy Training. If you have not completed 3 quizzes, then you are not finished!
If you are unsure if you have completed all required mandatory training, please contact Terri Manning, (TVDSB System Staff Development Specialist) at:  


June is National Indigenous History Month

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

To Remain on the OTE List; New Salary; Stroke Awareness; PD Opportunities

To remain on the TVDSB Elementary Occasional Teacher List,TVOT members just have until June 28th to:

- Teach 10 days in an elementary site 

- Complete the mandatory online training modules listed in the TVDSB Employee Portal under "Employee Training". These include the following:

- Anaphylaxis

- Asthma

- Diabetes

- Epilepsy

- Concussion

- Preventing Slips Trips Falls

- OCT Fire Code

- Video 1 Awareness

- Employee Incident Reporting and Safe School Incident Reporting

- Safe Schools Incident Reporting and Employee Incident Reporting Decision Too Flowchart

- Hazard Awareness Training

- Domestic Violence


- Cyber Security Part 1 and Part 2 (highlighted in the Portal under Personal Information)

- Privacy Training (highlighted in the Portal under Personal Information)

- Complete the Annual Offence Declaration

- N.B. (participation in online paid PD sessions counts as a half-day of teaching, listed in the TVDSB Employee Portal under "Conference/Sessions Registration") 


After the Bill 124 Remedy settlement, the new daily rate for TVDSB Occasional Teachers is $246.82 plus 4% vacation pay for a per diem daily salary of $256.69.
Now the Kaplan Arbitration Board has awarded ETFO’s 80,000 teacher and OT members salary increases of
11.25 per cent over the term of the 2022-2026 collective agreement - an 11.73 per cent
increase when compounded over the four years. This represents increases of three per cent for 2022-23, three per cent for 2023-24, 2.75 per cent for 2024-25, and 2.5 per cent for 2025-26. 
The compensation award applies to salary grids, wage schedules, applicable premiums
and allowances, and the daily OT rate, and represents the highest increase over the term of an agreement in over a decade.
The new salary should take effect by the end of June so TVOT members can expect another retro-payment then. 
June is stroke Awareness Month

Money 101: How to make the most of a lump sum cash flow boost (including Bill 124 remedy payments)

Regardless of where you are on the pay grid, it’s important to make every dollar count, especially in today’s economy. So, if you’ve recently come into an inheritance or received a settlement through the Bill 124 remedy, here are 5 ways to maximize every dollar so that you can achieve your financial goals faster:

Learn more at an OTIP Webinar -

Brought to you by Educators Financial Group. Trusted by over 16,000 education members and their families to meet their financial goals. Book your complimentary consultation today:


Deadline extended to 9 AM, June 5, 2024!

            Register now - courses fill quickly!

  June 12/24 - World Day Against Child Labour
