Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Salary for LTOs/QECO; Lost Prep time; OTIP Contest; TVOT Office Spring Break

Are you in a LTO? If so, you may not be receiving adequate pay for this year's long-term assignment(s). As an LTO, you are eligible for salary that reflects your qualifications and teaching experience, however the onus is on you to provide the Board with a QECO / Qualifications Rating Statement (or a card indicating that your rating is in progress), prior to July 31st for retroactive adjustment. N.B. The QECO application process can take several weeks.

  1. To obtain a QECO rating, follow the instructions at or call QECO at 1-800-385-1030 and request an application form.
  2. Once you have received your rating, submit the results to TVDSB Staffing Officer Jessica Grison Roeder at before the July deadline or forward a copy of the confirmation card if your application is in process but will not be available by the due date.
The same July 31st deadline applies to proof of any post-certification teaching experience outside of TVDSB. Be sure to submit those documents to HR so that you can advance on the salary grid. 

Do not hesitate to contact the ETFO TVOT Local at for further details or assistance.


Your Collective Agreement Provides:

L18.02      The timetable for an Occasional Teacher shall be the same as the timetable of the Teacher being replaced except as set forth in Articles L18.03 and L18.05.

L18.03    (a)     Unless hired for a long-term occasional assignment in accordance with the provisions of Article L14, an Occasional Teacher shall not be assigned supervisory duties prior to the commencement of class on the first morning of an assignment or prior to the commencement of the afternoon class on the first day if it is a half-day afternoon assignment.

(b)      Where an Occasional Teacher is hired for a vacancy for preparation time coverage, IPRC coverage, etc., that Occasional Teacher shall be assigned no more than one supervisory duty.

(c)     If the assignment is for the Occasional Teacher to provide preparation time payback in full day assignment, then that Occasional Teacher shall be provided with a minimum of forty (40) minutes preparation time at the beginning of the assignment. 


LOST PREP PERIODS -Occasional Teachers/LTOs are reminded to keep a record of the dates and number of minutes lost of any scheduled prep periods that they are denied. This violates our Collective Agreement and the Local will again be seeking compensation for such lost time.

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Your TVOT Office will be closed from Friday afternoon, March 8th/24 until the morning of Monday, March 18/24. If you have an emergency which requires ETFO Provincial legal assistance (see below), please contact their office at 1-888-838-3836.