Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Hired after 2019? Paid PD Registration; Inclement Weather; Local Bargaining

We invite TVOT members hired after 2019 to attend a meeting and dinner on February 13th at the Lamplighter Inn in London from 4:30pm - 7pm. 

Meet your peers over a lovely dinner, then have your questions answered as we highlight the nuances of elementary occasional teaching, your Collective Agreement and belonging to a Union. Guest presenter will be TVDSB Occasional Teacher Staffing Specialist, Jessica Grison-Roeder.

To register call us at the TVOT Office: 519-641-3936 or email us: 

Friday, Jan. 19/24
You can earn a half-day of pay on this Friday's PA Day. Register for these paid PA Day sessions in the TVDSB Employee Portal under Conference/Session Registrations and click on Elementary Occasional Teacher PD:

In-person sessions include:

  • Proactive Responses to Manage Behaviour (9 - 11:30AM) or (1 - 3:30PM)
  • Thinking Classroom Mathematics (9 - 11:30AM)
  • Empowering Young Minds Through Problem and Inquiry Based Learning (9 - 11:30AM)

Virtual sessions include:

  • Four Frames of Kindergarten (9 - 11:30AM)
  • Unlocking Creative Teaching Tools: Canvas for Occasional Teachers (9 - 11:30AM)
Act of Nature and the Collective Agreement
L10.08 A Long-Term Occasional Teacher or a Short-Term Occasional Teacher who is delayed by local weather conditions but arrives at school as soon as possible during the regular school hours of that day will not have a salary deduction made.  "Local" means within the geographic area between the Occasional Teacher's home address and the school or worksite of said Occasional Teacher.
For LTOs, Article L9.04 states that: "A LTO who is unavoidable absent due to a local act of nature over which no one has control may be granted up to 3 school days per school year with no deduction of sick leave."  N.B. The combined maximum number of days for care days and act of nature days is 5 days per school year.
Though Provincial ETFO has concluded bargaining with the government for the Central Table provisions, your Local is still engaged in negotiations with TVDSB. Currently we have 3 more meetings scheduled.
TVOT members are reminded that until salary arbitration is concluded and the 
Local membership ratifies a Local Collective Agreement, our salary will remain unchanged.
