- An assignment becomes a LTO on the 10th consecutive day of replacing the same absent Teacher in the same assignment.
- As an LTO, you are eligible for salary that reflects your qualifications, however the onus is on you to provide the Board with a QECO / Qualifications Rating Statement or a card indicating your rating is in progress, prior to July 31st for retroactive adjustment. Note that the process can take several weeks.
- To obtain a QECO Rating, follow the instructions at www.qeco.on.ca or call QECO at 1-800-385-1030 and request an application form.
- Your rating is personal so it is up to you to sent the results to TVDSB Staffing Officer, Jessica Grison Roeder - j.grisonroeder@tvdsb.ca before the July deadline or forward a copy of the green QECO confirmation card if your application is in progress but will not be available by the due date.
- You may also be eligible for credit for post-certification teaching outside of TVDSB. This includes working as a daily OT in Ontario. The same July 31st deadline applies to proof of any post-certification teaching experience, outside of TVDSB so be sure to submit those documents to HR so they will be considered when advancing you on the LTO salary grid.
For further details contact your ETFO TVOT Local at etfotvot@gmail.com .