NB: All TVOT Daily Occasional Teachers and LTOs
June 30, 2023 is the deadline to complete the 15 modules listed in the Employee Portal, and under "Employee Training" on the right top, as "2022 -2023 OTE Required Training. "
Be sure to click on each module when you complete it and hit "Submit". If the check mark is there the next time you log back in, then it has been received as completed.
Check Your Pay -
This pay - Those TVOT members who fufilled requirements listed under the terms of the Retention Stipend, will find the one time payments included in this Friday's pay.Upcoming - Those ETFO members who were eligible for payment under the ETFO Bill 115 Remedy, should receive this within the next 2 pay periods.
_________Your TVOT Spring General Meeting and Banquet - It's Tuesday, May 16, 2023, 4:30 pm at the Lamplighter Inn in London. Those who register and attend will receive a $15 gas card and will have a chance to win a new Chromebook or one of two $100 gift cards. Register at 519-641-3936 or mail@etfotvot.com We'd love to see you there!
Bargaining for Elementary Occasional Teachers
Many of you have received the updates from Provincial ETFO regarding bargaining at the Central Table, where ETFO negotiates for defined items with the government and the Ontario Public School Boards' Association (OPSBA).
Your TVOT Collective Bargaining (CB) Team has been working on the preliminary submission that we will use when bargaining for local issues with TVDSB and there are several steps to that process:
- After considering the results of our membership survey and considered local priorities, the CB Team presents a Preliminary Submission to the TVOT Executive for their approval.
- After that, the Preliminary Submission, is sent it to Provincial ETFO for their okay to proceed.
- At that stage, the Preliminary Submission is ready to be presented to the membership at an in-person meeting for the approval of those who attend.
- Once that has been received, the Local CB Team is ready to begin negotiations with TVDSB.
Register at www.etfotvot.com to keep informed!
6 ways to make better
use of your tax refund
Another tax season is in the books, and
for many of you, it may mean getting a refund on money paid in taxes. In fact,
just over half of the 31 million tax returns filed in 2022 received a refund,
at an average amount of $2,176. But, before you rush out to spend it, consider
how you can put it to work to enhance your financial future.
Here are 6 ways to make much better use
of your tax refund: https://bit.ly/40J5eT4.
Brought to you by Educators Financial Group.