Wednesday, April 5, 2023

TVOT Annual Meeting and Spring Banquet; Important Deadlines; Call for Nominations; Keeping Personal Notes; Happy Holidays


Save the date because this Spring's ETFO Thames Valley Occasional Teachers' Annual Meeting and Spring Banquet will now be held on Tuesday, May 16th at the Lamplighter Inn in London. 

Join us after school that day for a beautiful dinner and take part in the business of the Local. Registration will open after the Easter weekend.


Annual Request for Candidates
The TVOT Constitution states: Members shall be notified of the request for candidates at least thirty (30) days prior to the Local Annual Meeting. (Section 9.2.1)
Members at the TVOT Annual Meeting select their Local Executive each year. Why not join the Executive team and make a difference?
Dinner meetings are held once a month at the TVOT office after school.
Elections will be held May 16th at the Lamplighter Inn for the following positions: 

President: (non election year as this is a two year term) however it is a full-time position; legal spokesperson and representative of Local; Grievance Officer; liaison/ member of all committees; signing officer; attends all Provincial Rep. Councils, ETFO Annual Meeting, other ETFO meetings in Toronto (Section 7.2.1)  Candidates for this position must have a minimum of one year of Local Executive experience (Section 9.1.2)

First Vice-President: assists the President; coordinates preparation of the newsletter; attends committees (Section 7.2.2) Candidates for this position must have a minimum of one year of Local Executive experience (Section 9.1.2)

Second Vice-President: assists the President and First Vice-President and acts as liaison to the P.D. Committee (Section 7.2.3) Candidates for this position must have a minimum of one year of Local Executive experience (Section 9.1.2)

Secretary: records, prepares and circulates accurate minutes of past and present Executive and General Membership Meetings (Section 7.2.4)

Treasurer: maintains financial records; pays expenses of the Local as signing officer; drafts budget and reports to Executive and membership (Section 7.2.5)

Health and Safety Officer: acts as liaison with the Board’s Joint Health and Safety Committee, the Local Executive and general membership; conducts annual audits of schools and participates in all applicable training (Section 7.2.7)

Executive Members at Large (4): great learning opportunity with duties as determined by the Executive (Section 7.1.1 – 7.1.13)

Chief Negotiator: (no election as bargaining is in progress) however this person negotiates the Collective Agreement; maintains the Agreement and reports to membership (Section 7.2.6)

Collective Bargaining Committee (President, Chief Negotiator and 4-5 others): (no election as bargaining is in progress) however this committee surveys membership; prepares preliminary submission; negotiates Collective Agreement (Section 7.3.4)

ETFO Provincial Annual Meeting Alternates (5): pool from which delegate/alternate vacancies will be filled; Toronto Sheraton Centre, August 14-17, 2023 (all costs paid) (Section 10.1 – 10.3)

Candidate Forms will be posted on the Local website:

The deadline for receipt of Candidate Forms is 5 PM April 26, 2023 (Section 9.2.2)


If your teaching day hasn't gone well -

Teaching is a skill we continue to hone our entire careers and so the Local encourages members to reflect on what went well and what were the challenges, after each assignment. 
When members have faced a difficult situation at school, we suggest they create a personal document of the facts, including names and as many details and dates of conversations with students, Administration, parents etc. as possible. We stress that these are personal notes to be kept at home for reference in the unlikely event that something more comes of it. Remember to contact your TVOT Local for confidential support.
Occasional teaching allows members to see the best and the worst of the classrooms we visit - Both ends of the spectrum help us to become better Teachers.

Mould is a common enemy of Canadian homeowners. It poses a severe health risk and can significantly damage your home, making it expensive to repair. As a homeowner, understanding how to purify your indoor air and keep your family and visitors healthy is essential.


The Facts About Organ and Tissue Donation:
- Every 3 days, someone in Ontario dies because they did not get a transplant in time
- One donor can save up to 8 lives through organ donation
- One donor can enhance the lives of up to 75 people through the gift of tissue
- Age does not disqualify you from becoming a donor
- Your current or past medical history does not prevent you from registering - those with serious illnesses can still be organ and/or tissue donors
- All major religions support organ and tissue donation
- Organ and tissue donation does not impact funeral arramgements
For more information visit