Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Extension Report Card deadline; New TVDSB site for Occasional Teachers; Update lost prep time; Your Mental Health


- The deadline to submit report cards, has been extended by one week. 

- TVDSB has created a new SharePoint site for Occasional Teachers . To get there, click on the 9 dots in the top left corner of your Outlook and when "Apps" opens, click "SharePoint". If the new site doesn't show when you open that page, then click on "See all".

- Occasional Teachers/LTOs can attend ETFO Provincial conferences and PD session without losing pay for the day, if it is a session where "release time" is provided. 

- If you do not see a deduction for OCT fees in this week's pay, then TVDSB did not deduct your annual fee and the onus is on you to pay.

- Both daily OTs and LTOs have access to TVDSB's Employee Assistance Program. These supports are free and confidential so please check in the Employee Portal for further details.


 Lost Your Prep Period? 

Your TVOT Local has been encouraging members to track each time they have lost their scheduled prep period, as our Collective Agreement provides: Article L18.02 "The timetable for an Occasional Teacher shall be the same as the timetable of the Teacher being replaced..." 

As TVDSB has not agreed to financially compensate members for this time, the Local is filing a grievance on your behalf. We ask that members now also email the TVOT Local / with such details whenever they lose their prep period. Please use the subject line, "Lost Prep".


Today, Wednesday, Jan. 25th is #BellLetsTalk 
 As posted by Bell , we can all take meaningful action to create positive change so that everyone can get the mental health supports they need. 

Were you aware that:

- More than 200 Canadians attempt suicide every day; twelve will die.

- Opioid deaths in Canada increased more than 90% during the pandemic to 20 deaths per day.


Every year on January 27, ABC Life Literacy Canada hosts Family Literacy Day, the largest national family literacy event in Canada. Literacy organizations, schools, libraries and media groups will coordinate numerous literacy-themed events and activities across the country in honour of this special initiative.

Family Literacy Day® is a national awareness initiative created by ABC Life Literacy Canada in 1999 to raise awareness of the importance of reading and engaging in other literacy-related activities as a family. 

For more information, visit the Family Literacy Day website or download resources from the CommunityWire website at