Your ETFO Thames Valley Occasional Teachers' Local is holding a random draw from those members who complete our Membership Survey.
Five lucky members will each win a $100 gift card so please take a few moments to participate and help us to meet your needs.
The survey closes at the end of the month. Winners will be announced on Monday, April 4/22.
To participate click on TVOT Membership Survey or access the survey using the QR code above.
If you are ever contacted regarding an allegation or if you feel unsure about a situation, please contact:
- Your Local ETFO Thames Valley Occasional Teachers' Local at 519-641-3936, or
- The Provincial ETFO Office at 1-888-838-3836.
How to choose the right vehicle
When it comes to finding the right car for you, there are pros and cons to both new and used vehicles. Ultimately, your decision will likely come down to budget and your driving habits.
So how do you choose the right vehicle for yourself? Consider these factors before deciding. Read more at -
Many are not aware that Canada is home to the world's third largest Ukrainian community, only surpassed by the Ukraine and Russia. What has been taking place in the Ukraine is of great concern to the world but especially to those in our community with personal ties to the region. ETFOTVOT condemns this violence and stands in solidarity with those in the Ukraine who are suffering and those who are fleeing for their lives.