"When it comes to mental health, now more than ever, every action matters." (#BellLetsTalk" website.)
Find out how you can recognize stress, take care of yourself, take care of others and how to fight the stigma around mental illness, visit Ways to Help .
For information on how to engage in supportive conversations go to Bell Let's Talk Toolkit .
The additional stress of uncertainty due to Covid, can at times, be overwhelming. OTIP has prepared a list of resources that are available to assist you during these challenging times. Please do not hesitate to click on OTIP links for Mental Health Supports during Covid . You are not alone - there are supports available.
TVDSB's Employee Assistance Provider, Homewood Health offers Wellness Wednesday workshops and support programs, available free of charge to all TVDSB Occasional Teachers on Wednesdays via TEAMS from 3:45 - 4:45 PM.
Upcoming groups will focus on:
- Covid-19 & Your Mental Health (Feb. 2/22)
- Anxiety, Depression and Covid-19 (Feb. 16/22)
- Calming Your Mind (Mar. 2/22)
You Have A Voice
What are your thoughts about the current state of affairs?
Here are the contact numbers for your provincial representatives at Queens Park:
Progressive Conservative Members of Interest:
- Doug Ford (Premier) Etiboke North: 416-325-1941
- Stephen Lecce (Minister of Education) King Vaughn: 416-325-2600
- Ernie Hardeman (MPP) Oxford: 519-537-5222
- Monte McNaughton (MPP) Lambton Kent Middlesex: 519-627-1015
- Jeff Yurek (MPP) Elgin Middlesex London: 519-631-0666 (N.B. after Feb. 28/22, this riding will be represented by Ted Arnott (MPP, Speaker of the House) Wellington Halton Hills: 416-325-3880
- Peggy Sattler (MPP) London West: 519-657-3120
- Terence Kernaghan (MPP) London North Centre: 519-432-7339
- Teresa Armstrong (MPP) London Fanshawe: 519-668-1104
Should be this week...
Your TVOT Local is excited that we are transitioning to a new website later this week. Members will receive a blast email when all is in place so please be ready to register with us for what we hope will enable us to provide you with even better service -
Occasional Teachers are advised to check the TVDSB Website to see if schools are closed in times of bad weather. TVOT members should always put their personal safety first.
Your TVOT Collective Agreement has the following provisions:
L10.08 Term Occasional Teacher or a Short-Term Occasional Teacher who is delayed by local weather conditions but arrives at school as soon as possible during the regular school hours of that day will not have a salary deduction made. “Local” means within the geographic area between the Occasional Teacher’s home address and the school or worksite of said Occasional Teacher.
L16.05 b) In the event of inclement weather, Occasional Teachers will receive information on the status of school closures or delays in openings by the normal Board communication process. Notice of closure due to inclement weather will be deemed to meet the minimum notice requirement of Article L15.05 (a).
Planning to rent out your basement
Renting out your basement is a great way to
test the waters and make some extra money without the upfront cost of
purchasing a rental property. We are here to provide you with some helpful tips
that may encourage you to take on the initiative. #OTIPUpdate
Read more at OTIP Insurance Article131