Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Goggles and Face Shields; January pay for OTs and OCT Fees; New Webinars from Min of Ed and OTF; New Income Tax Credit

Masks plus Face Shields/Goggles

The Ministry of Labour as well as the Health Units that oversee TVDSB, highly recommend that all TVDSB staff wear goggles or a face shield along with their mandatory mask, regardless of their roles in the school. This has proven to be most effective and schools have been provided with PPE for OTs. 

Eye Protection (face shields/goggles) is required  whenever  you are in class with student(s) who are not wearing masks or you are interacting in close proximity to another individual/student. They are necessary if you are in a situation with a potential for body fluid splash, if you are interacting with multiple classes or if you are monitoring the isolation room. 

For more information, go to TVDSB Covid-19 Protocol #7, Section 5.3.5 in the TVDSB Covid H&S Sharepoint (available to employees after logging in).

Hand Sanitizer - revised directions 

TVDSB is now advising students and staff to use the hand sanitizer provided at all sites rather than sinks in classrooms. When hands are visibly soiled, then we are to use soap and water at a sink. 


January Pay for OTs and Annual OCT Fees 

Just a reminder that neither permanent Teachers or OTs/LTOs are paid for statutory holidays - we are exempt from that part of the Employment Standards Act. As a result, the January 15th pay period which covers December 20th to January 2nd is generally empty for TVOT members. (You will note that in your TVOT pocket calendars.)

For those who are in a LTO assignment as of January 2021, please note that the Board will deduct your Ontario College of Teachers/OCT fee of $170 from the pay you are to receive on January 29th. OCT fees are due January of each year however Occasional Teachers have until April 15th to pay this annual fee without penalty. Please be aware that the penalty for late payment is an additional $130. Failure to maintain your membership in OCT will result in dismissal.  Payment can be done by credit card online at OCT membership fees .


Ministry of Education Supports for Remote Learning 

The Ministry is providing open access to webinars/teleconferences in areas such as Virtual Learning and Teaching; the Elementary Math Curriculum; Mental Health and Well-Being; Anti-Racism and Anti-Discrimination.

Topics include:

  • Synchronous Learning
  • Digital Tools and Strategies
  • Engaging All Learners in Communities with Limited Internet Access
  • Assessment for Learning to Support All Learners in Kindergarten
For more details and to register, to


New Tax Credits for Home Office Costs
The Federal government has recently released a  new tax credit that may be of use to ETFO members who have had to work from home. Supporting Canadians and Fighting Covid 19: Fall Economic Statement 2020 sets out tow methods of making a claim which may be of benefit to members if they meet all of the following criteria:
- worked from home in 2020 due to Covid-19 or their employer required them to work from home;
- worked more than 50% of the time from home for a period of at least 4 consecutive weeks in 2020;
- the expenses are used directly in their work during the period;
- have a completed and signed T22000S or T2200 (applicable if using the detailed method to complete the claim) 

For more information click here Working from Home during Covid 19


NEW Webinars from OTF Connects
The Ontario Teachers' Federation has produced several new webinars designed to assist Teachers during these challenging times. Topics include:
- Make Math Moments Through Ratios and Rates
- Make Math Moments Through Proportional Relationships
- Make Math Moments Through Measurement
- Make Math Moments Through Analyzing Data and Probability
- Make Math Moments Through Linear Relationships and Equations
For more information on these and other options, go to -


Your TVOT Executive 
wishes you the all best for 2021!