Thursday, June 6, 2019

Action for Friday June 7; Wage Cap Legislation; and PLDF Process over the Summer

To plan a coordinated response and a united message on June 7, ETFO is asking all locals to alter the #RedForEd actions for next week to mark a year of cuts.

Along with the other education affiliates, we are encouraging members to wear black. Black was chosen to signal that we, the people of Ontario, are mourning a year of devastating cuts to education and our public services.

To make this action successful, we need your help to inform members about this action to wear black on Friday, June 7.

In addition to wearing black on June 7, members are encouraged to participate in a workplace action and share a message on social media. Let's give this government a report card and a failing grade for its actions and plan that are putting corporations over children and their future.

Here are three ways that ETFO members can send a united message Friday:
1. Wear black on Friday, June 7
2. Organize an action, in your workplace, with a small group, or participate as an individual to issue Doug Ford a report card and give the government a failing grade. Share your group photo and report card on social media, and use the hashtag #Fordisfailing.
NOTE: ETFO will provide a template report card that can be downloaded and printed from the website.
3. Challenge your friends, family, and parents to participate. Let's send a strong message online and use the hashtag #FordisFailingOntario

In our region, a bus from the OPSEU Regional Office at 1092 Dearness Drive, will leave at 3:30 to take participants to MPP Jeff Yurek's office, 750 Talbot Street in St. Thomas. That protest runs from  4 PM - 6 PM. Your spot on the bus can be reserved at

For those from the Woodstock area who are not working June 7th,  protests will gather from 9 AM to 10:30 AM in front of MPP Ernie Hardeman's office at 12 Perry Street.
These government actions must stop before they destroy the Ontario we all cherish.  Let's be part of the noise that draws their attention!

Please join us in sharing information with your colleagues about the united action to wear black next Friday.  Together we can continue to make a difference and defend public education.

Wage Cap Legislation is Here!
Once again, Teachers' democratic right to negotiate a Collective Agreement, has been threatened.  This is one more step in eroding Ontario's public services. Check out ETFO Provincial's response at:

The TVOT PLDF Subsidy

The TVOT office will be closed over the summer break in July and August. For those of you who are completing your PLDF approved courses in June, we will make our best effort to process your subsidy before the end of the month PROVIDED you submit the required documents for your application, namely; proof of successful completion and receipt of payment for the course (if it wasn't initially included with your application). Otherwise, your subsidy will be processed when we return from the break in September.
The 1 school month requirement for these required documents will be extended for you as well to the first week of September.

It is a good practice to read through and familiarize yourselves with all requirements stipulated on application forms in order to avoid disappointment.