Wednesday, January 16, 2019

OCT Fees; Investment in Public Education and ETFO-TVOTs January 30th PD Event at the BMO Centre & Paid PD Opportunity

Ontario College of Teachers' Fee
Those Occasional Teachers in long-term assignments for January 1 will see on their pay-stub that TVDSB has automatically deducted their OCT fee for 2019 - 2020.
Annual membership fees of $150 are due the first of January each year but OCT allows payment up to April 15th after which time an OT is no longer be in good standing with the College and so is ineligible to teach in Ontario.  The reinstatement fee for late payment is $130. Payment can be made online with a major credit card at
Education as a Budget Priority in Ontario
The PC government is currently working on its first provincial budget and has signaled its intention to cut funding for public services. Earlier today, ETFO President Sam Hammond presented a submission to the Legislature's pre-budget hearings making the case for investment in public education.
You can find ETFO Provincial's submission here: or

Members are encouraged to contact their MPP and let them know that public education needs investment, not cuts. Find out more at:

Fun PD Event
Join us on January 30th, at the BMO Centre, 295 Rectory Street in London, from 4:30 pm - 7:30 pm for our first PD Event of the year!  Spots are limited and filling quickly. A lovely hot dinner is included.
Choose from either of the following worthwhile workshops being offered:

1) Classroom Management for Occasional Teachers, or
2) Physical Education and Daily Activities (DPA) for Occasional Teachers (on the BMO field)

Register at:
Opportunity to Earn While You Learn
Unless you are in an LTO greater than .5, you are eligible to earn a day of work on a PD Day when you could normally teach. Just register via the TVDSB Employee Portal under Conference Registrations where you will see the options under Elementary Occasional Teacher PD for one of the in-person sessions being offered or any of the online options.  NB: online sessions can be completed anytime at your convenience - check out details in the portal.  Some spots are still available for January 18th.