Donations from TVOT members to Merrymount Children's Centre
On behalf of Merrymount Family Support and Crisis Centre, we thank those who so generously donated two teeming tables of items to assist this unique facility serving more than 8000 families and children each year.
We know they very much appreciate these items from our Fall General Meeting participants.
It was a pleasure to meet so many members this evening, many who came after working all day.
We very much appreciate your support!
Outstanding Service to the Local Award to Sandi Douglas
Though it may seem peculiar for the Union to give an award to someone who has spent their career working for the Employer, your Executive was honoured to recognize former TVDSB Staffing Officer, Sandi Douglas for her years of fielding calls and later emails from tens of thousands of our members, generally with patience, professionalism and consideration. Sandi enhanced the working lives of our members and helped us in the Local to meet the needs of our membership. Congratulations Sandi!
The Ministry of Education is currently reviewing the
Renewed Math Strategy (RMS). ETFO is a part of the RMS workgroup which is assisting with the review. The workgroup feels it is critical to gather data from frontline educators to tap into their experience of the implementation the RMS since September 2016. This will assist the Ministry in making modifications to the strategy in years two and three. While the survey will be anonymous, respondents will include demographic information so that the survey findings can be generalized to different educator groups (e.g., elementary, secondary, lead teacher, administrator, level of math support at the school, etc.). ETFO and the affiliates have provided feedback on the survey questions. Please go to the following link to take the survey:
Renewed Math Strategy Survey
- The survey takes approximately 10 to 15 minutes to complete.
- Participation is voluntary.
- Individual respondents will remain anonymous. Information will be aggregated and summarized for sharing.
- If you receive multiple invitations to complete the survey, please do so only once.
- The survey will remain open for the month of December.