Bargaining Update:
It is definitely stressful for everyone in public education these days as Work to Rule by ETFO, CUPE and OSSTF begins to take a toll on everyone, including our daily Occasional Teachers who are finding fewer Teacher absences to fill than in a typical fall. If we are successful, this pressure will keep the parties at the table and prompt them to find a fair and reasonable settlement that addresses elementary Teacher and Occasional Teacher issues.
For an enlightened perspective I recommend you read the article "Why Elementary Teachers Continue to Fight", by Sachin Maharaj which was published in the Toronto Star on Monday, Oct 05 2015.
Here is the link
LTOs and Progress Reports for Grades 1 - 8:
As many of you have noted, in Phase 3 of ETFO's Work-to-Rule, Teachers and Long-term Occasional Teachers are not preparing comments, completing or packaging the Progress Report. We will provide the school administrator with a hard copy class list with the ratings for the Learning Skills and Work Habits section and the required Subject Area section completed for each child. Teachers of alternative programs will provided one brief comment per area. ETFO Teachers and LTOs are not conducting parent interviews related to the Progress Reports unless the Teacher / LTO has identified a concern about a child’s progress. Along with the ETFO Thames Valley Teacher Local, your OT Local is directing that Progress Reports for students are to be submitted by the Workplace Steward to the Principal at the end of the instructional day on Friday, October 30, 2015. Please note that Provincial ETFO has developed a template that may be of assistance. You can download this template from our website in Member Services.
Upcoming PD Opportunities sponsored by your OT Local:
Join us at the Best Western Lamplighter Inn, 591 Wellington
Road in London on Tuesday, October 27th from 4:30 - 7:30 PM for a lovely dinner followed by an evening workshop on your choice of
one of these topics:
1. Planning Junior Mathematics with Assessment in Mind:
Want to learn more about hands-on learning and using assessment to guide your
planning for the junior mathematics? During this evening workshop, we will
focus on assessment in the Number Sense and Numeration strand. Participants
will engage in teacher-made, student tested activities that teach and assess
mathematics using a problem solving approach. Presenter: Sheila Smith-Jones
Voice Care - Understanding and Caring for your Teaching Voice:
Today’s teachers
meet a variety of vocal challenges on a daily basis- from length of total
talking time and the variety of situations in which they speak to the many ways
they use their voices in the instruction, management and motivation of their
students. At the end of the workshop, the participant will: 1) understand the
basic anatomy of voice; 2) understand how we create sound 3) identify habits
that inhibit the voice; 4) identify healthy voice use strategies; 5) identify
ways to incorporate healthy voice habits into daily classroom use and 5)
understand the basic warm-up tools required to produce an easy teaching voice.
Presenter: Lori Holmes
3. Ten Amazing Pastel Projects for J/I Students!
every classroom has a bin of bits and pieces of oil pastels... so let`s use
them! This workshop will give you curriculum-based art projects that will make
use of pastels in unique and creative ways. This "make-and-take" will
give you the opportunity to explore, experiment, and create finished works of
art. Materials, handouts and explicit instructions will be provided to guide
you in completing a number of exemplars suitable for the J/I classroom. And it
is fun! Presenter: Polly Stringle
Spots go quickly so please register for only one session at by noon of Thursday, October 22nd. We look forward to seeing you there.
Don't forget to ensure your residential information is current with the Board, your Local, ETFO Provincial, Ontario College of Teachers etc. It is a condition of Employment with the Board and can be grounds to be taken off the list!
Don't hesitate to contact your Local with any questions.
ETFO - TVOT Local 519-641-3936
Please note that the Columbia Employee Store will be closed on Monday, October 12th to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday. Enjoy your time with family and friends and don’t forget to count your blessings!