- Bansho with Anne Pigeon
- Classroom Dynamics with Barb Seaton
- French Survival for Daily OTs with Betsy Haines and Diamond Fotiadis
We are also very pleased to invite you to our Fall General Meeting and Banquet being held at Bellamere Winery on November 22, 2012. Honourary Life Memberships to be awarded to Nancy Miller and Lorna Wilson.
Please RSVP at tvotpd@gmail.com by November 16 (9 AM)
On another note, be aware that ETFO advises:
Bill 115 goes far beyond any wage restraint or back-to-work legislation ever enacted in Ontario. It attacks free collective bargaining rights and violates the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. ETFO is asking all members to take the following political action to resist Bill 115:
Say YES to Extending McGuinty Mondays to Tuesdays
Starting October 23rd, we are asking ETFO members to extend McGuinty Mondays into Tuesdays. That means focusing only on instructing and ensuring the safety of students on both Mondays and Tuesdays, as well as:
- Arriving at school no more than 30 minutes before classes begin;
- Leaving school no more than 30 minutes after classes end;
- Not participating in school-based or system-level meetings before, during or after the instructional day;
- Not participating in regional Ministry meetings before, during or after the instructional day.
Do not volunteer for Ministry of Education tasks forces or work groups. Do not apply for positions posted by the EQAO.
Say NO to Liberal MPPs
ETFO members are encouraged not to volunteer or provide financial support for politicians who unilaterally stripped our collective agreements of sick leave, retirements gratuities and salary.
Tell Your Story
ETFO is collecting stories to share with MPPs and others. Tell us about the effects Bill 115 is having on you, your family and your community. Go to the homepage of ETFO's Control Your Future website (controlyourfuture.ca) and click on the button called Tell Your Story.
Sign the Petition to Repeal Bill 115
Get colleagues, family members and friends to sign ETFO petition calling for the repeal of Bill 115. You can find a copy of the petition at tiny.cc/RepealBill115.
Use Your Professional Judgement When Completing Progress Reports
A single sentence indicating strengths/next steps for improvement in each of the two comment boxes is appropriate. Your ETFO local will provide you with more detailed information about completing progress reports.