Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Resources for Special Education; Upcoming ETFO Provincial workshops; Notice of terminating LTO assignments; Confidential Employee Assistance; Report Cards


Developed by the Ontario Teachers' Federation (OTF) with funding from the Ministry of Education, "The Teachers' Gateway to Special Education"  has become a great source for strategies and resources to help Teachers address the unique needs of students from K - 12. The website includes links to Board special education plans, Ministry documents, definitions of key Spec. Ed. terms and can be used as a practical guide for Teachers building Individual Education Plans (IEPs).  Here is your link



- Many ETFO Provincial workshops include payment for lost teaching time, travel, meal expenses and accommodations.
 This includes train travel to events.
- Any LTO assignment with a posted end date, can be terminated on the early return of the Teacher with 10 days notice or money in lieu of notice. (Art. L5.07)
- A LTO can only comment in report cards on the time they have spent in the assignment. They can be asked to input other assessments and remarks, but then the Administrator would sign the reports. Art. L35.00)
- Any LTO assignment with an undetermined end date can be terminated on the early return of the Teacher with 3 days notice or money in lieu of notice. (Art. L5.07 (b).
- All Occasional Teachers must teach 10 full days in an elementary school to remain on the OT List. LTO days and paid PD days count towards this threshold. (Art. L6.08)
- The timetable of the daily OT is the same timetable as the permanent Teacher you are replacing - no extra/switched duties etc. (Art. L18.02)
- Daily and LTO Occasional Teachers have confidential access to TVDSB's Telus Health Employee Assistance Plan at no cost. Look for the link on the same page as you use to log into the TVDSB Employee Portal.

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Wednesday, January 8, 2025

TVOT Collective Agreement; Inclement weather; Paid PD spots available; Use of sick leave; Experience credit for daily OT work; Violence in Schools

Where do you find your TVOT Collective Agreement and the most recent salary grid? 

Check "Documents" in Member Services at or in the Human Resources section of TVDSB's website.


LTOs and Snow Days: Just a reminder to those in long-term assignments that if necessary, they can access an "Act of Nature" day if it is unsafe to drive - 

Article L9.04(b) Act of Nature – A Long-Term Occasional Teacher who is unavoidably absent due to a local act of nature over which no one has control may be granted up to three (3) school days leave per school year with no deduction of sick leave. A Teacher may apply in writing to the Superintendent of Human Resources or designate for an increase in the maximum allowable days under this section. It is understood and agreed that a “local act of nature” is an act of nature that occurs within the geographic area between the Teacher’s home address and the school or worksite of said Teacher.

It is understood as agreed to under the Central Letter of Agreement #7 that the combined maximum number of days for care days and act of nature days is five (5) days per school year. The days shall not be used for the purpose of sick leave nor shall they be accumulated from year to year.

Please also note - 

Article L10.01       INCLEMENT WEATHER - A Long-Term Occasional Teacher or a Short-Term Occasional Teacher who is delayed by local weather and/or road conditions but arrives at school as soon as possible during the regular school hours of that day will not have a salary deduction made. It is the Occasional Teacher’s responsibility to notify the Principal, Supervisor or designate of the situation as soon as possible. “Local” means within the geographic area between the Occasional Teacher’s home address and the school or worksite of said Occasional Teacher.


Time is Running Out - Register now as spots are still available in the following paid PD workshops )(participation counts for all purposes as time worked for TVDSB):

- Thursday, Jan. 16/25 from 4:30 - 7:30 PM at BMO Centre (dinner provided): "Empowering Students Through Drama"

- Friday, Jan. 17/25 virtual and in-person sessions offered in the morning and afternoon of this Board PA Day: "Canva for Occasional Teachers"; "How to Start the Day Off Right"; "Oh No! I have to Teach Music"  

Register via TVDSB Employee Portal in "Conference/Sessions Registration" under "Elementary/Dual Occasional Teacher Synchronous Session". 

For further information, contact Terri Mannning in System Staff Development


- It is very important that LTOs enter their absences correctly; misuse of sick leave can be construed by the Board as fraud. Contact your OT Office with any questions.
- Even daily occasional teaching experience from other Canadian school boards will be recognized for grid placement so be sure to submit all relevant documentation to H.R. once you are in a LTO position. 
The Collective Agreement states that under no circumstances will a TVOT Occasional Teacher be paid for less than a half-day; assignments will be pro-rated after that when replacing a permanent Teacher whose job is less than 1.0 FTE (Article L7.03)

- A TVOT Occasional Teacher must teach ten days in an elementary school in order to remain on TVDSB's Occasional Teacher list, unless they are on a Board approved leave (Article L6.08 d)

- The timetable of the daily Occasional Teacher is the timetable of the permanent Teacher that they are replacing. There can be no additional or switched duties etc.

Five Myths About Violence in Schools, presented by ETFO Provincial


Unsure about something related to your employment? Contact your OT Local - We are here to assist you. 
519-641-3936 or

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