More LTOs to Come -
To say that staffing classes this Fall has been a challenge for TVDSB staff, is definitely an understatement. New announcements and additional dollars from the government have caused the Board to re-organize permanent Teacher assignments several times these past few weeks and from that shuffle, has come the displacement and re-organization of many elementary long-term assignments. As these pieces start to fall into place, we remind members that there will be additional LTO postings - possibly as early as this week so be sure to check LTO postings with TVDSB each day as the Union has agreed to allow some of these to close after 3 days so that classes get off to the best start possible.
Deadline for Payment -
TVDSB Occasional Teachers have until September 13, 2020 to complete the paid mandatory online "Covid-19 Re-opening Attestation and Training", now available in the Employee Portal. TVOT members must complete this training in order to be eligible to teach in with the Board - completion will still be necessary if you miss this deadline, however you will not be paid after that date.
Paid Training for Health and Safety now Posted -
TVOT members can log into the Employee Portal and in the "Employee Training" folder you will find "H&S Half Day PA Day Violence Awareness Training, September 03, 2020" . Completion of this module qualifies for a half-day of pay for members not in LTO assignments greater than .5 FTE.
Your TVOT Pocket Calendar and Newsletter - No need to panic - your 2020 -2021 pocket calendar and newsletter are in the works with contact information for every school site, your pay dates, and what to do in an Emergency situation as an ETFO Teacher.
Please make sure that the address you have listed with the Board is accurate as this is what the Local uses for mailouts. TVOT members can check this information and make changes in the Employee Portal under "View/Change My Personal Information". Remember that maintaining accurate contact information is a condition of your employment with TVDSB - the onus is on you to keep this data up to date.
Election Time is Coming -Have you ever considered running for a position on the ETFO Thames Valley Occasional Teachers’ Local Executive?
Why not join your Executive team and find out what is going on – you can make a difference!
Meetings are held once a month after school. In usual times, these are dinner meetings at our TVOT Office in London.
These positions are typically elected in the Spring, however due to the pandemic, our elections were deferred until the fall in hopes that an in-person meeting could take place. Unfortunately that will not be possible. Therefore elections will be held for these following positions at our Fall General Meeting (date to be announced):
President – two year term, full-time position; legal spokesperson and representative of Local;
Grievance Officer; liaison/ member of all committees; signing officer; attends all Provincial Rep.
Councils, ETFO Annual Meeting, other ETFO meetings in Toronto Local Constitution 7.2.1 Candidates
for President must have a minimum of one year of Local Executive experience (Local Constitution 9.1.2)
First Vice-President – assists the President, coordinates preparation of the newsletter, attends
committees (Local Constitution 7.2.2)
Second Vice-President - assists the President and First Vice-President and acts as liaison to the
P.D. Committee (Local Constitution 7.2.3)
Secretary – records, prepares and circulates accurate minutes of past and present Executive and
General Membership Meetings (Local Constitution 7.2.4)
Treasurer - maintains financial records, pays expenses of the Local as signing officer, drafts
budget and reports to Executive and membership (Local Constitution 7.2.5)
Health and Safety Officer - acts as liaison with the Board’s Joint Health and Safety Committee, the
Local Executive and general membership; conducts annual audits of schools and participates in all
applicable training (Local Constitution 7.2.7)
Executive Members at Large (4) – great learning position with duties as determined by the
Executive (Local Constitution 7.1.1 – 7.1.14)
Chief Negotiator - negotiates the collective agreement; maintains agreement and reports to
membership (Local Constitution 7.2.6)
Collective Bargaining Committee (President, Chief Negotiator and 4-5 others) - collects information
from membership and prepares Local preliminary submission (Local Constitution 7.3.4)
ETFO Provincial Annual Meeting Alternates (5) – pool from which delegate vacancies will be filled;
Toronto mid-August with all costs paid (Local Constitution 10.1 – 10.3)
Candidate Forms will be posted on the Local website Friday, Sept 11/20:
The date for this Fall General Meeting will be announced in next Wednesday's Blog.