Wednesday, September 25, 2019

CUPE will Work to Rule & Advice: Latest ETFO News for you and Provincial PD Conferences OTs can participate in

CUPE will Work to Rule-
All ETFO TVOT members need to be aware that members of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) are in a legal strike position as of Monday, September 30th and have given notice of their work to rule campaign. For example, CUPE members will no longer cover duties due to unfilled absences, will not supervise students, will no longer volunteer etc., and custodians will no longer unlock classroom doors.

Your ETFO Thames Valley Occasional Teacher Local stands in solidarity with CUPE as they negotiate fair collective agreements through the process of free collective bargaining.

Advice to all ETFO TVTL and TVOTL Members:

  • Teachers do not do the work of other bargaining units.
  • Teachers will not take up the struck work of other bargaining units.
OTs are advised to contact their TVOT Local office immediately if they are asked or coerced by the employer or its agents into undertaking any of the above. Please contact your TVOT Local office at 519-641-3936/  if you have any questions or concerns.


The September 19, 2019 ETFO Newsletter includes some wonderful opportunities for you to participate in.  The following have been extremely beneficial to members:

Apply for Project Overseas 2020

Open to exchange professional knowledge with teachers overseas? Passionate about collaboration, cooperation and cultural competency? If you're an educator and ETFO member, then consider applying to Project Overseas 2020.

For more information, go to and apply by October 18, 2019.

Heart & Art blog

The following are some posts from the above mentioned blog for (beginning) teachers:

  • Podcasts for Students
  • Thriving in a New Teaching Assignment
  • More Learning Skills Comments!
  • Violence in Ontario Schools
  • What is the Rand Formula and why it matters to teachers
  • September 2019
Check out "our archive" which contains hundreds of articles of interest to educators.

Go through the full newsletter at <>

OTs can participate in ETFO Provincial PD conferences etc. with costs paid by the provincial organization.  Interesting conferences include:

  • Protect Yourself 2019, November 20-21, Toronto. This Professional Relations Services conference for women aims to increase awareness and understanding in the area of education law in order to strengthen our professionalism. Register by October 2.
  • eWomen Online Networking Program. ETFO invites 18 women members from designated groups to participate in a professional and academic learning opportunity. This online program will explore leadership, intersectionality, identity and anti-oppression.  The program also includes two face-to-face sessions. Register by September 27.
  • Engaging Learners Through Play Workshop, November 1, Toronto. ETFO invites 60 women members to register for a one-day First Nations, Metis and Inuit education professional learning opportunity. This interactive workshop will take members through the play-based activities from the ETFO FNMI education resource, Engaging Learners Through play.  Register by September 27.
  • Mobilizing for Justice: November 6-8, 2019 & June 2-3, 2020; Toronto. This program is an opportunity for women members to consider and make a plan for how they want to get more involves in their communities as allies and participants in social movements. Register by September 27.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

We've Got You Covered; To Receive Local Information; To Receive Info from ETFO Provincial; ETFO ID Card; Fifth Disease

Your Union - You may be new to a unionized workplace and unaware that the ETFO Thames Valley OT Local is your advocate in all matters related to your relationship with the Employer. We can assist members with payroll difficulties, provide information on matters related to the Collective Agreement and offer advice on how to proceed when you are unsure.  Calls are confidential. We do not use your name when dealing with the Board without your knowledge.
The Stewards at a school represent the permanent Teachers. They cannot represent you at any meeting with an  Administrator and neither the Steward nor the Principal is an expert on the details of your OT Collective Agreement. Your OT Office can be reached at 519-641-3936 or by email at We look forward to hearing from you.

What's Going on at the Local Level?  Register on your OT Local's website: to receive up-to-date information on the status of bargaining, access forms for the $350 Professional Learning Development Fund and $50 Book Rebate which we offer to members, get access to the Columbia Sportswear outlet and register to attend  our events (free of charge) - lovely dinners and a chance to meet fellow Occasional Teachers. 
N.B. The Board's email system is not for private communications so use a personal email address when you communicate with your Union.

What about Provincial ETFO? Did you know that members can register to receive copies of information sent to school stewards?
Find out about ETFO Provincial opportunities by registering to receive your updates electronically each month -


Your ETFO I.D. Number - To access ETFO Provincial events, Edvantage discounts or to register for online strike votes etc., members will need their ETFO membership / ID number. To access an electronic version of your card, create an account on ETFO Provincial's Event Management System (EMS). Go to
Then log into your account > click My Account at the top of the screen. My Member Card will be displayed for you to print or save.


 Fifth Disease - Are You Immune?
Absences from a LTO assignment because of an outbreak of Fifth Disease are deducted from your sick leave. Schools will post notices of Fifth Disease at the site and via TVARRIS so check before you get pregnant to see if you are immune. For more information about TVDSB Fifth Disease policy go to

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Call for Strike Vote!


Our 1st PD Event will take place on Wednesday, October 23, 2019.  More details will be in the upcoming Newsletter. You will be notified by email when Registration opens.  Please ensure you have an account created on the ETFO-TVOT website ( ) , using your personal email address.

Once again, we remind you to ensure your complete address is listed in your personal information on the Employee Portal, including apartment/suite/unit numbers being on the same line as your street address so that you will receive your pocket calendar and newsletter which will be sent to you by mail.

We have been invited to shop at the Columbia Sportswear Employee Store from Sept. 20 - Oct. 13, 2019.  The invitation is posted at under Member Services.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Welcome back; Bargaining

Welcome back members to our Wednesday Blog!  

Let's get to some housekeeping items as we embark on the 2019-2020 school year!

Pocket calendars will once again be sent to all ETFO-TVOT members. Last year's calendars include the month of September 2019, which is meant to be used this month until such time that the printers can mail out the new ones.  The Local uses the information listed with the Board so please ensure your address is up to date under your personal information in the Employee Portal.  If your address includes an apartment/unit/suite number, please ensure it appears on the same line as your street address, i.e. # 8-521 Nottinghill Rd.
These pocket calendars are a staple for our members and contain relevant information that is of importance to you as elementary Occasional Teachers with Thames Valley. Please take a few minutes to familiarize yourselves with the information found in the calendar booklets.

If you have taken out any books from the TVOT lending library, please make arrangements to return them at your earliest convenience. Either call or email the office: 519-641-3936 or

Don't forget to check the ETFO-TVOT website regularly for updates and information on news from ETFO Provincial, Newsletters from your Local, upcoming Professional Development Events, Subsidies that you may qualify for etc.
If you do not have an account set up on the website yet, please go to to create one.
Don't forget to use your personal email address as it is inappropriate to use the Board's email system for Union business nor is it private. In an effort to save on paper and relay information in a fast manner, we are going to be communicating electronically as much as possible. 