Wednesday, February 28, 2018

PRS Matters Bulletins and ETFO Takes Action on Violence in Schools

PRS Matters Bulletins are written by Professional Relations Services Staff and are designed to keep members informed on a variety of important legal and professional issues impacting on education workers. Some of the Bulletins available to you include:

Allegations involving CAS and or Police
Workplace Harassment and Sexual Harassment
A Members Duty to Report - under the Child and Family Services Act
Professionalism - Advice to Members
Member Mental Health

You will find a complete listing of the Bulletins available to you by clicking on the following link:

ETFO has produced a three-part video series for members dealing with workplace violence.
We will be including each one in our weekly blog beginning today.

Please take a few minutes to view these for yourself or someone you may know.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

April 27th paid PD Sessions,ETFO's Annual First Nations, Metis and Inuit Education Symposium - Innuit 101 and ETFO's new micro-site : Connected Communities!

The following April 27th paid PD sessions have been confirmed.  Check out the Employee Portal for Details and Registration -

Title:  Using the Principles of Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) in the class - Full Day
Location:  Stoneridge Inn - Ball Room    Time: 09:00 - 15:30 (FULL DAY)
- Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) is a scientific approach to understanding and dealing with student behaviour.

Title:  Brian Aspinall - 21st Century Learning - April 27 Full Day
Location:  Louise Arbour French Immersion P.S. - Cefetorium    Time:  09:00 - 15:30  (FULL DAY)
- Twenty first century learning requires students to create, collaborate and think critically. *A laptop is required to fully participate in the session.*

Title: Health and Physical Education for OTs - Choice of: April 27 AM session  or  PM session
Location: Louise Arbour French Immersion - Gym
- Engage in games/activities and learn strategies, tools and the curriculum expectations.

Title: Making Math Happen! - ETFO - April 27 Full Day
Location:  Lamplighter Inn    Time:  09:00 - 15:30 (FULL DAY)
- An opportunity to access effective, classroom-proven instructional strategies and mathematical activities for their daily assignments.

Title:  No Daybook, No Problem: Reading Strategies and Activities to Promote Rich Conversation and Higher Level Thinking - April 27 PM
Location: Education Centre - Erie Room   Time: 13:00 - 15:30 (PM ONLY)
-Build a repertoire of effective and engaging strategies that can be used with students when responding to a variety of text types.

Title: The Junior Teachers Literacy Survival Kit - April 27 AM
Location: Education Centre - Erie Room      Time: 09:00 - 11:30 (AM ONLY)
- Learn specific literacy strategies to use when supporting Junior learners during the reading portion of their daily literacy block.

Title: Kindergarten, Here we Come! - April 27 AM
Location: Education Centre - Elgin Room     Time: 09:00 - 11:30  (AM ONLY)
- Build an understanding of the Kindergarten Program, and those team members that you may encounter throughout your day in a Kindergarten classroom.

Title:  Self-Directed PD - April 27 - with Principal Permission
Description:  This option is for PD that will be taking place on a PD day in a TVDSB site with the permission of a school administrator. Contact Staff Development with any questions. Steps required: - PRIOR to the PD day, complete and submit the Principal's Permission Request Form and submit it to System Staff Development. Submit a copy of the Reflection form to System Staff Development within 3 days after the PD has been completed since this is what drives the payment process, so it must be submitted in a timely manner.

ETFO's Annual First Nations, Metis and Inuit Education Symposium - Inuit 101

ETFO will hold its third annual First Nations, Metis and Inuit Education Symposium at the provincial office on Saturday, April 7. The focus this year is Inuit 101 and 70 members will have an opportunity to learn from two inspiring Inuit teachers, who will teach about Inuit worldviews and traditional practices, current and historical relationship between Canada and Inuit. To register for this event, visit the ETFO Events Management System at and clcik on the FNMI Education Symposium tab.

For more details on this event visit our ETFO Professional Learning page at .

ETFO Connected Communities 
Check out ETFO's new micro-site!  Connected Communities features 16 webinars from the 2016 - 2017 school year on topics related to Mathematics, Kindergarten and technology-enabled learning. Check it out at


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

How to get on LTO List? Collapsed Class Assignments; Not Sure of Where to go in the Thames Valley Community for Support

LTO List
Just a reminder to members who have worked for the Board for 10 months and taught at least 20 days, that there is only one way to get onto the LTO List and that is via the interview process.  Even if you are from the Roster but currently filling a LTO position, you will need to apply for an interview and that opportunity closes at the end of the month.  Log into the Employee Portal to apply and be sure to 1) Click the Submit button and 2) Print a copy for your records
Classes Collapsed due to Inclement Weather?
Sometimes when buses are cancelled, schools experience a decline in attendance and so classes are collapsed.  In these situations, the OT who was called in, is to follow the timetable of the Teacher they were called to replace. That means we honour the supervisory duties and receive the scheduled prep period on that timetable - no loading of duties etc.  If you have any questions in this regard, please call the Local OT Office at 519-641-3936.

Please take note of the following COMMUNITY RESOURCES contact information when/if needed:

New to

HEALTH UNIT  ~  519-663-5317

POISON CONTROL  ~ 1-800-268-9017

PARENT HELP LINE  ~  1-888-603-9100

WALK-IN CLINICS  ~  519-668-2400  ~ 519-641-6668  ~  519-963-0232

MENTAL HEALTH ADDICTION  ~  519-434-9191  ~  519-433-2023

COMMUNITY CARE / DISABILITIES  ~  1-800-811-5146  ~  1-800-265-6235  ~  519-473-2222  ~ 519-245-3233

WOMENS CRISIS SERVICES  ~  519-642-3003 

SEXUAL ASSAULT CENTRE  ~  519-438-2272

TELEHEALTH ONTARIO (free confidential health info and advice)   ~  1-866-797-000

FOOD BANKS  ~ 519-659-4045  ~

MEALS ON WHEELS PROGRAM  ~  519-660-1430

CLOTHING  ~  519-645-1454  ~  519-438-7071

CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES  ~ 519-455-9000  ~  519-439-9696

HOUSING-SHELTER  ~ 519-434-2765  ~  519-433-2807  ~  519-673-4114


LEGAL SUPPORT  ~ 519-433-8179  ~ 519-633-2638  ~ 1-866-611-2311

Financial Support
ONTARIO WORKS  ~ 519-661-5304  ~ 519-661-5906

EMPLOYMENT INSURANCE  ~  1-800-206-7218

CREDIT COUNSELLING  ~ 519-433-0159



PUBLIC LIBRARY  ~  519-661-4600

AQUATIC SERVICES   ~  519-661-2523



Thank you to all who attended yesterday's Professional Development at the Stoneridge Inn and Conference Centre.  Stay tuned for information regarding our next PD Event on March 7th.


Wednesday, February 7, 2018

TVOT February 13, PD Event, the new 365 Black Curriculum resource and Retirement Planning Workshop

Join us on Feb 13th for our Professional Development Event at the Stoneridge Inn & Conference Centre, from 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm.  Meal included for all ETFO-TVOT Members.

Registration and details at

#ETFO helps elementary educators move past Eurocentric curriculum with new 365 Black Curriculum resource for all elementary divisions

Check out the link for more information
All Thames Valley Occasional Teachers have been invited to join the District 8 RTO/ERO on Saturday, April 14, 2018 for a Retirement Planning Workshop at the Hellenic Community Centre in London. Registration is on their web site
The registration price includes pension and benefits presentations, all materials, morning refreshments and a hot & cold buffet lunch.

When:  10:30 am to 2:00 pm, Sat. Apr 14, 2018
             Registration/refreshments start at 10:00 am
Where: Hellenic Centre  133 Southdale Rd. W, London, ON  N6J 2J2
Questions:  Lorna Wilson, 519 859-4888
Cost:          $15 per person, $25 per couple